Chapter 15-The Door

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Scorpious' POV:

Rain drops crashed against the stained glass windows. Tears dropped down the castle's walls, crying because of the unfortunate weather.

See, it seemed it was only yesterday when we were all covered in snowflakes, when Professor McGonagall screamed at us for having snow ball fights. It seemed like no time had passed since the day I got off the Hogwarts Express, the day anxiety took over the better part of me and I could do nothing but worry. But time had passed.

You see, time never stops. No matter how hard you try, no matter what people tell you, the clock is always ticking, has been since the dawn of time, and until the dark sunset comes, time will never stop running. There is no such thing as outrunning time, even wizards can't. Time is the thing we all fear, the incomprehensible element of our lives we are unable to understand. All we know is that clock never stops ticking, and so each second counts. Every second is a new adventure. Every second is a new opportunity. Every second is a chance to smile to the world, grab a broomstick and fly away. In the end, every second is a new beginning, a new chapter in the book of life, and with it come the unavoidable changes.

When fall comes along, hope shakes of its dying leaves and prepares itself for the next step. The cold, realistic winter, blows the tree away, giving it a taste of the harshness of life. The warmth of spring brings joy to the tree, waking it up from its humble slumber. Hope begins to grow on it again, there seems to be no need for him to shake them off, and it is then that he finally smiles.

Thought the seasons change, there's something that never changes, something that seems to be everlasting. No matter what time of the year it is, or where it is, the tree is constantly looked after by its faithful friend, rain. Mortals below often see rain as some kind of negative sign, like nothing good can come from a grey sky. They often forget there is no such thing as a rainbow without a little rain. It is not, indeed, the clouds' sad tears, it is in fact tears of joy that fall from those beautiful creatures. They say one must learn to dance in the rain, but many don't.

As I stare down at the five girls dancing in the rain I can't help but smile. They've found they key to happiness, the key that will allow them to open all doors. Like people, changes will come and go, but, as long a their rain, things will always be ok.

I sight. Some things will never be. My love for Rose grows every time I breathe, and, yet, somehow, I feel like I'll never be close to her, like each step forward will just set me two steps back. Time flies and instead I fall. They are both quite similar but, really, falling has a more permanent destination, one that is not often welcomed, one that will render me useless in the bloody battlefield love has turned out to be, poisoning every inch of happiness there is left in my body.

I stand up, tired of looking at the joyful seen in front of me. I start walking away, trying to forget, deny, and start again. Suddenly, I stumble across a door. I had never seen this door before and as I reach down towards the handle somebody collides with me. I'm about to scream at them when I realize that it is none other than Rose Weasley.

She blushes, then looks away.

"What are you doing here?"- She demands in her commanding voice

"N-n-nothing. I was just, hmm, just hmm..."

"Oh, for Merlin's sake Scorpious, get out of my way".

And with that, she turns around and opens the door, gesturing me to follow her. It seems we have stumbled across some kind of muggle "flat" as they like to call them. On the left stands a kitchen, with a boiling kettle on and a magical pan frying some eggs. On the right one can identify a huge couch, overwhelmed by the amount of books lying on top of it.

On the walls hang random pictures of what I assume is the owner's family. Pictures of a small, dark haired boy with breathtaking green eyes can be found in all of them. He is constantly surrounded by two women, one that mysteriously resembles McGonagall. The other lady has his green eyes, but her hair is much lighter, so I take it she's his mother. The little boy is smiling, and so are the women but the pictures gradually change. The green eyed woman is no longer in them, and the smiles on the other two slowly fade away. The child begins to grow, while the woman beside him ages, both close together.

Rose approaches the picture with the smiling baby boy and the women.

She reaches out and strokes the green eyed woman's cheek.

"Lilly..."-She mutters

It is then that we turn around and acknowledge our surroundings. There's light coming from a room at the end of the hallway. Being the curious 11 years olds we seem to be, we quietly make our way towards the lit room, someone's whimpers breaking through the painful silent.

Shock is the only word I could use to describe my feelings as we found our dear Snape sobbing in the corner of the room, clutching a copy of the picture of the little child, the words, "Mom, don't leave me", plastered on his lips...

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