*Special Update*

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There's something wrong with this girl. She keeps staring at me, trying to figure me out. Well, she might as well  give up 'cause no one must know.

No one must know what I think of that boy, Albus. Sometimes, when I look at him, I see his father, working hard to destroy my life. But when I look at his eyes, I can't help but remember. Remember my strong conncetion to this boy. 

I always thought hiding was easy. Changing your identity, creating a fake personality, is effortless when  there's nothing that can throw you off guard. Nothing that will make you remember your past.

But then you decide to come through. You decide to accept who you really are and just go with the flow. When it works, you're the happiest person on earth. People like you for who you really are. But then you stumble. 

Someone or something scares you, makes you retreat into the shadows. You can try to ignore it or he but there's always something about it,him. Something that kills you, cause deep inside, you know who they are, and you wish you were them. 

This is why I loathe Albus. He ruins my one shot at being, well, me. Yet, there's something lovable about him. Something that makes me protective towards him.

Things would be easier if he didn't have that middle name. But he does, and I hate myslef for feeling the way I do about him...

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