Chapter 6-The Professor

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Al's POV:

The bell rings, signalling the end of the lesson. I make my way to our nex class, Defense Againts the Dark Arts. I'm pretty excited! 

Waiting for the Professor to arrive, I find myself eaves dropping on a conversation going on between Mary and Leire. They're talking about their families and how they're both muggle borns. I smile, thinking about showing Leire everything about our world. I start walking towards them, about to properly introduce myslef when two sentences extinguished all my hope. "Yes, I've got a boyfriend, his name is Dan". Slowly, I walk away from them, trying to hide in the darkness.

Our classroom doors open with a large CLASH! and we all stare at the man infront of us. He's pretty tall, with closely cropped hair and extremely dark eyes. Something about him scares me.

"Right, everyone find a sit! I'm not welcoming you to my class, that's just a waste of time. My name is Professor  Snape, Albus Snape. You may call me sir or master of defense against the dark arts". The way he says Dark Arts freaks me out. He looks like a kid in a candy store. 

He begins going through the register, and simply nodds when everyone says "Good Morning, sir". Suddenly, he stays silent for a while and then:

"Ah, yes, young Albus Potter. Well, I guess you want us to make you feel like a celebrity, ask you for an autograph or a quick picture. Bare in mind, I share your first name, and believe me there's nothing special about it. It belonged to an old man, a fool if I must. If anything, it's a disgrace, and I hate myself for being named after such an embarassing wizard"

I felt myself blush and I just couldn't help myself: "With all due respect, sir, Albus Dumbledore was the greatest wizard to ever live and I'm proud of sharing his name. You, on the other hand, are a disgrace"

"Right, Potter, we might as well play this game. A week's worth of detention"

"But, sir, it's not fair, he's only expressing the truth", peaks up Scorpious

I smile at him, thankful for his kind words.

"Well, Mr. Malfoy, you will be joining Potter in detention. By the way, you're one to talk about Dumbledore. You are aware of your family's relationship with this man, right? Sit down, you disgrateful creature!"

Scorpious' POV:

I really can't believe how much his words affect me. It's true, my dad didn't exactly get along with Dumbledore, but that doesn't mean I have to hate him, right? Or do I? I don't know, this is just to confusing.

Without warning, his last name rings a bell. Where have I heard his name before? Who was this Snape man? Oh well, I'll just have to investigate.

Rose's POV:

I stare at professor Snape in desbelief. True, Al and Scorpious have been a little rude, but they surely don't deserve a week of detention.

I sight, tired already of this teacher and his weird attutude.There's something wrong, something evil about him.

I'm trying my best to understand an old paragraph on the Dark Arts when he shrieks. I look up from my work and see him staring at Al's name written on a piece of paper. I can make out Al's middle name, Severus and I guess that's what made him shriek. But why? Why is that name so strange? 

His behavior couldnt've been weirder. Though, when he finally gives Al his paper, I see tears about to escape his eyes and a dark yet deep and true sadness has taken all the evil aura around him. He's no longer a depraved man, mad at every living organism. Instead, a hopeless man full of sorrow has taken his place and I find myself feeling sad for him. 

Soon enough, he's back to his annoying self but the ghost of the hopeless man lingers on his dark eyes...

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