Chapter 11- Halloween (Part 2)

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  • Dedicated to Leire

Albus POV:

I couldn't help but stare at the beautiful creature walking down the stairs. She's laughing about something with her friend, trying to make it to the bottom of the stairs without braking an arm. Seriously, what do girls carry around in those trunks??

Being the obsessive weirdo I am, I offer my help and swiftly deposit the luggage at the end. She thanks me with one of her gorgeous smiles and I find it really hard to look away and search for an empty seat at the Gryffindor table.

Suddenly, it hits me. She's not spending Halloween here, she's leaving to spend it with that boyfriend of hers, Dan. And I don't know what to do with my life anymore.

We had been spending some time together when I began recovering from my fall, and I kind of thought that I finally had a chance, that she genuinly liked me. I was planning on asking her to dance with me at the Halloween party, planning on a spectacular night where I could finally express my confusing feelings. Sure, I was afraid of being rejected, afraid of what she might say. But I figured it was worth it. 

I figured if she rejected me, we could always stay friends. But, now, thinking about her spending the weekend with her boyfriend and muggle family frightens me. If she leaves, there's a big chance she will never return. After all, what will she leave here? A bunch of people she has known for a month? 

With these disturbing thoughts in mind, I prepare myself for what I presume will be the worst Halloween of my life.

*10 hours later*

It's been a while since she left and I've spend the whole day trying to keep my mind off her. It's been hard, but I think I'm over it.

If she wants to spend time with her muggle boyfriend, why should I care? After all, she hasn't shown any particular interest in me. In fact, I swear she's rolled her eyes at me a few times, clearly dissaproving of my behavior towards her. Well, I'm not going to let her ruin my life. I've got plenty of friends and I'm sure I'll have a great time.

With that thought, I make my way to the Great Hall, where I find Scorpious and Rose flirting with each other, Veronica and Carmen pranking Rhys and Dilan, Tris and Tobias having an argument over which type of knife is better to use when cutting a cake and John is trying to set up the sound sistem without blasting McGonagall's ears. I find myslef smiling for I have realized true happiness lies where you are loved and looked after, where you belong. 

I join the party and it's only an hour later that I realize someone's staring at me. I turn around to find Professor Snape looking at me. I still haven't figured him out yet but the bare thought of sharing his name sends a chill down my spine.

When the clock strucks twelve, we all scream out happy halloween and send orange sparks around the hall. I have never seen a more extraordinary sight, and just chilling with my friends is enough to bring me joy. Ever since I got here, my world has been turned upside down. I used to worry about the sorting, used to worry about not getting into the quidditch team. But now, as I look around, I realize how stupid I've been. I never had to worry, for I always had friends by my side, and when things go wrong, there's always someone there to say I told you so, but chances are they'll help you lift the stone.

Suddenly, Professor McGonagall comes towards us. I see she's worried about something but all she says is Leire's mysteriously back and someone should go pick her up from her dorm. 

My pulse rapidly increases. I sprint up the stairs, making sure I know where I'm going. The Ravenclaw common room is all the way up one of the towers and I wanna make it there fast. As I approach the first-years female dorm, I stop. What if she doesn't want to see me? What if she suddenly starts blabbering about Dan?

I quickly ignore these voices in my head. It's Halloween, and I wanna spend it with my friends. I push the door a little, and it swiftly opens. I'm about to shout "Happy Halloween Leire!", when I stop.

Instead of finding that stunning smile, big, shinny dark eyes and perfectly brushed hair, I find what seems to be the ghost of my love.

Her skin has turned a very light, pale color. Her eyes no longer sparkle and her smile seems to have been permanently erased. 

I no longer care about Halloween or my friends waiting downstairs. The sight in front of me has awakened my love and my heart starts to fall apart at the sight of her obvious pain.

I rush towards her, arms out ready to hug her. I realize she may not want me here, but when I start to step back, she pulls me closer and hugs me back. 

Eventually, we find ourselves holding each others hand, sitting on her bed. She leans her head on my shoulder, uncontrollably sobbing.

I have been left to wonder what or who could've harmed such a delicate creature. Whoever it is must have no soul, for the cruelty behing his or her acts are unforgivable.

Sometimes, it's hard to know if you love someone. People say you love someone when you can't stop thinking about them, or you get really nervous when trying to talk to them. 

I may not know for sure, but all I can say is what I feel right now, holding her hand while she sobs on my shoulder, is much stronger than that nonesense about first love or crush. I have finally realized that, even if she doesn't like me back, I shall stay by her side, for a part of her needs me in her heart and then maybe, step by step, thinks might turn out all right.

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