Chapter 2-The Arrival

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Scorpious' point of view:

I didn't ask to be born a Malfoy. I didn't ask to go to school. I didn't ask to feel ashamed of my own name. But I do, and I hate myself for it. I know you can't run away and escape reality but I really wish I could. I really wish I could be like Al, a sweet, lovable carefree boy, with nothing to worry about except for what to wear on a date or how to avoid being chased by Harry Potter fanatics and their parents. Man, that would be great! Imagine walking down the street and being recognized for being the son of a famous and great magician. Instead, I've got to keep my head down and pray no-one will notice my obvious relationship with a long line of dark arts dealers and murderers...

I sight, thinking about all of this as I hop off the train. I stare at the breathtaking view in front of me: an arrogant castle lies on top of a helpless mountain, ruling over a dark lake full of magical creatures carrying on their daily lifes below the wizard world. I wish I could be like them. Free, independant, with nothing at all to worry about, no past to run away from...

Rose's point of view:

I can't help but stare at the troubled boy in front of me. There's something mysterious about him, something that's not quite right. Maybe I'm just over reacting. After all, he IS Draco Malfoy's son. Obviously, I know everything about his family...For once, my father's an expert on something, and that would be the Malfoy's. For some weird reason, my dad hates Draco, but he won't tell me. What he will tell me is all about their involvement with the Dark Arts and how they were all Death Eaters, including Draco. 

I shrugg. I guess if you're sorrounded by that kind of wizards you've got to turn out weird. Still, I'm sorry for this cute boy. Whatever it is that is troubling, I'll know it, and then help him as much as I can, 'cause just because someone stumbles and loses their path, doesn't mean they can't be saved(A/N: C.Xavier quote). I decide to rest my mind and stare at the gorgeous scenery sorrounding me...

Albus's point of view:

There are way too many things going through my head right now. Gryffindor, dad, rivalries, school and something my dad told me before we left. Something about being named after a really brave wizard that had ended up in Slytherin. I guess I'm just curious. 

My thougts are stars I can't fathom into constellations(A/N John Green). I give up and try to concentrate on the pale boy staring at the window. He's clearly tense and worried about something. Huh, maybe we've got something in common! I wonder if he's thinking about the sorting. Rose has already left the compartment, anxious to be the first to get on the boats. I smiled at the thought of Rose rushing towards Hagrid as he cried:"First yers! First yers with me!". Having my cousin with me was a relief, I mean, I had someone my own age to talk to. I'm not exactly great at making friends, but I really hope that I'll be able to call Scorpious that one day. There's something strange about that boy, something that makes me shiver yet attracts me to his refined personality. If only I could figer him out...

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