Chapter 17-Home

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Leire's POV:

Finals are over. I'd never thought I'd say this, but I'm going to miss this place. It's been quite an usual year, what with magical lessons and flying broomsticks, thus making it the best year of my life. 

"Ready?" says a voice behind me.

"Sure, let me just close my trunk real quick"

As I turn to close the door behind me, I can't help but feel a little nostalgic at the sight of the empty room. Don't cry, says a voice inside my head, you'll be back in no time. 

Making my way to the Great Hall, I find my friends huddled in a corner together. Albus looks up and smiles at me, hence the fact that I'm forced to smile back. I then keep trying to reach that small corner. The Marauders are all there, and I can't help but beam at Bernie fighting for a chocolate frog, Mary helplessly staring at Albus, Sherlock and Carmen standing side by side, the former hiding behind her book, the latter going on about some new Quidditch tactic she seems to be dying to try while Veronica freaks out because she has forgotten her trunk upstairs. 

I notice someone staring at me. Turning around, I spot Sherlock's brother Liam looking at me, his beautiful brown eyes sparkling in the candle light. I can't help but blush, and rapidly turn away, afraid Albus noticed. 

We then get on the Hogwarts Express, and I'm sitting there, beside Rose, across from Albus, letting my thoughts consume every part of my soul. The slight movement of the train brings me back to reality, and as I murmur a silent "I'll be back, I think about how I'll never truly say good bye to this castle, to this place, to my new found home, for, as my childhood hero would say, never say good bye, 'cause saying good bye means leaving, and leaving means forgetting.

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