!Rewrite! A/N

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*Silently sweats while marching over to reader*

Well, ummm, first off, thank you all for 1k+ reads- Never thought the one story I bothered trying to finish would actually get this much attention.

Second, I've decided I'm going to rewrite Hidden Perceptions, so I will not publish anymore chapters in the original story BUT I will create a 'new' story which I will link once I get the first chapter on it. Same name-ish, same cover (I will add rewrite to the cover) but I will try and do better research on each chapter and historical things, I will also try to not make nearly as many mistakes as I have been. I think you all know that my schedule is to continue chapters at school when I have free time etc. So that is what I will continue doing, the chapters will probably come out slowly and it might take me a while to get things done since I'm also adding my actual headcanon to Hidden Perceptions and I am actually going to try to plan out and write down my notes for things. Also I'm only rewriting Hidden Perceptions 'cause it was just a mess, I will not delete HP so you are still free to read it when you want.

-Emma :3

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