14: Italy

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She's like a child. She eats, sleeps, and then repeats. When we are in our seats, I raise the armrest up so that she can lay against me. The seat beside me is empty since Dean's decided to take a seat in the very back for a meeting.

Elizabeth curls up and lays her head on my lap. I put my jacket over her and kiss her cheek.

In the next hour, she wakes up and begins to read a book on her phone. Dean also comes back and sits beside her. "Your parents will meet us in Italy to bring us over," he says. I smile. I haven't seen my parents. Yeah, I miss them. Is that a problem?

"What's the deal with the Russians?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"We've lost them. Lost Bobby since the incident. They are ghosts."

"I fucking hate ghosts," I mumble. Elizabeth looks at me before slapping my chest. "Que es esto?" I ask her.

"Idioma," she accuses.

"Oh, mi amor," I laugh.

"I'm glad you found her," Dean says. She looks at Dean with a glimmer in her eyes. He chuckles and shakes his head.

A message pulls through on my phone.

Bobby Ross.

The deal was to pay off my debt, not fuck her.

Attachment: 1 image

I open the image. "What's that?" She asks me. She tries to look over my shoulder. I yank the phone away from her. I don't want her to know.

"Nothing, baby," is how I reply. I unbuckle and find where Casso is sitting. He's sitting in the very back of the plane with his own row to himself. He's got headphones on and is on his computer. I kick his legs from the seat and sit next to him.

"The hell was that for?!" He exclaims. I hand him my phone. He looks over at the phone and I can see the color draining from his face.

"What's this about?" Casso hands Evan the phone. It's then passed to Santino.

"He's watching you," is all Evan says. "I've got some guys in New York. Under the Butcher's instruction. I'll have them sweep your house for bugs or bodyguards."

It's the end of our conversation. I go back to Elizabeth. She's just talking to Dean like he's an old friend, and he listens.

Two hours pass.

I can't stop thinking about the photo. I still have my phone in my hand. Finally, I decide to smash it on the ground. I throw my phone on the ground and stomp on it with the heel of my foot.

When the attendant goes to collect trash, I throw my phone in the trash and forget about it.

Two more hours pass. We land in thirty minutes to catch our last flight to Italy.

When we land, I grab Elizabeth's hand. She doesn't know what I know, and I'll keep it that way. I can't have her knowing...can't have her worrying.

I just hope I can keep her safe.


We get to the gate and immediately board. "When we get to Italy, you'll stay by my side at all times, understood?"

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