28: Just Tell Me When

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When it's time, Elijah and I turn the corner to the outside venue. We can hear the music playing, so when it starts, we walk down the aisle. I see everyone I've ever loved or cared for in these rows. They watch me walk down to the love of my life. There, I see little Dominic waving to me and calling out my name. behind him is Romeo. He chuckles, shakes his head, and wipes a stray tear. My life is being taken out of a fairy tale with a happy ending.

"I never thought I'd have my happy ending," I whisper to Elijah.

"You deserve it," he says. He kisses my forehead before hugging Elijah and sitting down with Alina in the front row.

Apparently Nate's ordained weddings before, so he ordains our wedding. He's got the whole crowd laughing. He's got everyone in high spirits. "This is the third wedding I've ordained. The first one was for a friend. The second was for my family, and this one is for my family as well. I married your parents," he adds to Romeo. "It's quite beautiful to see that such love can flourish within generations and continue on. So," he says. "Vows anyone?" Romeo laughs and shakes his head.

"Te odio, Tio," he mumbles as he pulls the vows from his pocket. Alina hands me my vows. "Ladies first," Romeo says. I giggle.

"I wrote it like a thank you letter," I explain and show him the paper. "So here we go," I laugh. "My dearest Romeo, I find myself overwhelmed by the depth of emotions that I have in my heart. I want to express everything all at once, but I can only say thank you. You saved me in every way, most importantly, by loving me. Fate conspired to bring us together. Your presence became my solace and sanctuary. You're the guiding star that constantly brings me home. You saved me from everything. From myself and from my doubts. From the relentless whispers of insecurity and the dangers of this world. Most importantly, you saved my heart by loving me, so thank you. Thank you for loving me. I promise to love you forever. I promise to cherish you forever. I promise to save you if you ever need saving. I promise to be your wife and your queen. I promise to be yours. I promise to love you just as you've loved me so effortlessly."

There's silence in the whole crowd. I can only see the tears of Romeo. He turns away to wipe them. He shakes his head and laughs. "Now mine seem stupid," he chuckles.

"The anticipation is killing me, nephew," Nate says. Romeo gives him the middle finger. Everyone laughs again.

Before he starts. Romeo wipes the slipping tear from my cheek. "I haven't even started," he chuckles.

"Romeo," I reprimand.

"Ok," he sighs. "To my Elizabeth. I promise to cherish you. Not just for the person you are today, but for the person you will become with each passing day. I promise to always be there for you. In times of joy and in moments of sorrow. I'll be your shelter in the storm. Your happiness will always be my priority. I promise to love you. I will love you on the brightest days and on the darkest nights. I promise to listen. Your words will be my compass and your voice will always be valued. I promise to be patient and understanding. I promise to make you laugh. I promise to be faithful to you and only you. I promise to choose you every day. I promise to be your partner. I promise to keep this flame of passion alive in our relationship. Today, I make these promises to you, my Elizabeth. I make them with all the love in my heart. I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you because I couldn't dream of it...any other way—" he chokes out the last part and begins to cry. I have tears falling down my face, so I grab him in my arms and wipe his tears.

Dominic hands us the rings and we continue on with the ceremony. When both of the rings are on our fingers, Nate says, "You can kiss your bride," he chuckles. Romeo grabs me tightly and kisses me. Everyone cheers for us. "Please welcome the new Mr. and Mrs. Romeo Bianchi!"


The ceremony is held at the hotel. I've changed into a shorter dress so that I can walk around as people congratulate us on our marriage.

Dominic gets the attention of all the young women. They try to play with him, but he only has eyes for his older cousin, Caterina who cares for him just like an older sister. So, they dance together. Romeo and I can't seem to part with each other tonight. After our marriage, we are together forever. It's how I dream it, at least.

We sit together at the end of the table as everyone eats food and dances. Romeo holds my hand in his and kisses my knuckles. "I love you, Mrs. Bianchi," he says in my ear after he's kissed my neck.

In those moments, it's easy to realize that everyone right in front of you won't ever leave you. In those moments, I see the beauty in front of me. I see how Dominic clings to his uncles. As he spots me, he runs up to us and sits in Romeo's lap. Elijah and Alina dance like it's their first dance together.

Is this what love is?

Being content?

Being happy?

Being certain?


"You ready to go?" I ask him as I put my hand in his hand the next morning. Today, we will start our honeymoon adventure. He continues to look at the horizon...watching the birds and feeling the nip of the fall morning.


"Ok," I whisper.

"You ever just look around and think that all this time's been wasted? Sitting here? All the memories and people that are gone. Just like...what's the point of anything?" He pauses after looking at me for a while. "I guess it doesn't matter." Silence. "I say we move to the mountains."

"Just tell me when." There's no harsh criticism for what he thinks. Only, hopefully, a loving partner.

Romeo takes my hand in his and brushes his lips across my knuckles. "I don't regret what we've created," he says. "I regret everything I didn't get to do with you."

"Well," I whisper. I adjust to face him on the couch. I hold the coffee close to my hands so that my hands don't get cold. "I'm pregnant," I say. I see his lips curve the slightest bit. "I went to the doctor two days ago. It was confirmed."

"I'll be a father of two now," he smiles.

Silence surrounds us again. We can only hear nature as the wind continues to nip at our bones. We stay together so that we are a force against the wind.

Until it's time to go. He kisses my neck where he's always so lovingly kissed me each day. I feel his thumb graze against the tattoo on my neck. R for Romeo. "Are you ready to go?" He asks me as he holds my hand. I nod.

"Just tell me when."

The End


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