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"Y/N THAT ZUROI GUY IS STREAMING AGAIN!!" you hear your dormmate, Yoimiya exclaim while you were doing your assigned art project due next week.

"HUH?! RIGHT NOW??" you shout back.
"YES, RIGHT NOW. GET IN THE STREAM UNLESS YOU WANT TO MISS IT!" your friend responds before she goes back into her room to do her own homework.

you immediately start up your laptop so you could watch his stream while doing your project, the reason why you even enjoy his streams is because his voice is always just so calming for you. even though his face remains unknown, his voice helps you just relax and help you focus on assignments and tasks easier.

once your laptop finally turned on, you opened twitch, the app where Kazuroi usually streams on. you search up his profile and click on his currently ongoing stream.

ıllı Y/n_available JOINED ZUROI'S STREAM
ıllı zurois.futurewife JOINED ZUROI'S STREAM
ıllı soukaxx DONATED 150 MORA !
soukaxx's note : I LOVE YOUR STREAMS SO MUCHH ZUROI <33!!

'hello Y/n underscore available and zuroi's.. future wife? thank you for joining my stream. and thank you soukaxx for the donation.' this was the first time Zuroi noticed your appearance in his streams, you were very fortunate to be noticed in his stream for once. usually he doesn't even greet people that much because there's always a lot of people joining at once, so you were glad you joined early on. you also kind of let out a high pitched squeal when you heard him mention your username but you also have to focus on your art project.

you plugged in your headphones before you picked your pencil back up to continue on with your partially finished project that was laying on your desk unattended while you were more focused on the stream a few seconds ago. you sketched around the sheet of paper until you were satisfied with your draft then lightly erased the sketch so you could refine the lines before you can start shading everything.

⸝⸝ after around 2 hours, it was 10 pm and Zuroi's stream has ended. and you still had to add a few more touches to your project before you can submit it. but you needed a good night's rest so you decided to leave the rest of the project for tomorrow. you got up from your chair so you could get ready for bed, you went to the bathroom to brush your teeth and everything in your usual night routine.

you entered back into your room and immediately flopped onto the bed, grabbing your phone on your nightstand to set an alarm to make sure you'll wake up on time tomorrow. even though you usually sleep through all the 4 alarms you set. and you also don't forget to leave a message on Zuroi's tweet today.

you turned off your phone and placed it back onto your nightstand so you can finally drift off to sleep and be ready for another day of college tomorrow

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you turned off your phone and placed it back onto your nightstand so you can finally drift off to sleep and be ready for another day of college tomorrow.

☆ ⟡ ★

⸝⸝ "COME ON Y/N EAT YOUR BREAKFAST WE HAVE TO GO!" your dorm mate shouted for the third time this morning, telling you to hurry up. you didn't wake up to your four alarms and Yoimiya had to wake you up herself as usual. you finally finished getting ready and you hurried to the kitchen to grab the slice of toast your very kind dorm mate had prepared you. you placed to slice of toast in your mouth so you could put on your bag before leaving the dorm with your friend to walk to the campus while still eating your breakfast.

several minutes of speed-walking later, you both arrived at your main campus and walked to your classroom. you noticed the seat arrangements have changed again, this time, every two desks are conjoined together. you search for a desk that was quiet far from the front of the classroom.

you found your seat that is on the second last row at the back. a person was already on the seat beside the seat you had your eyes on, but you didn't mind. she has nice pink-blue hair the back of her hair is extremely long and seemed very soft and healthy, she also wore a lot of hair accessories. her facial features were also very soft and pretty. so in conclusion, your desk mate is seems like very nice person and is very beautiful. and you definitely wanted to try to socialize with her, she seems very friendly. if you're not mistaken her name is Sangonomiya Kokomi, she's kind of popular. you saw her a few times before but not very often.

"Sangonomiya Kokomi, right? nice to meet you." you turn to her and give her a small smile.
"hm? oh, yes, that's right. you're F/n L/n? nice to meet you too." she extends her hand out for a handshake which you gladly accept. her voice was very sweet.
"mhm, i hope we can be great friends."
"of course!" she nods, you were very glad that you decided to befriend her. though, you're not sure if you'll see her that often

⸝⸝ your last lecture just ended, and now you finally get to talk to Yoimiya freely and hangout Hu Tao again. even though you and Hu Tao take different majors, you both had been friends since high school and you guys see each other everyday after school to catch up and have fun. you pack up your books into your backpack, then making your way to the front gate of your campus to meet up with your dearest friend group that consists only three people. including you.

you see your friends waving their hands at you, signaling for you to come there quicker, so you just proceed to walk slowly to annoy them.

"so, Hu Tao, any gossip or anything interesting in general?" you ask the brown haired girl with mischievous smile.
"nothing new, just this ginger haired guy kept badly singing ed sheeran in the middle of math, well honestly, it was a great source of entertainment." Hu Tao took out her phone to show you the video she took of him.
"HHAHA HELP ME HE SINGS SO BAD." you end up bursting out laughing along with Yoimiya.
"I KNOW RIGHT?!?!" Hu Tao exclaims

⸝⸝ Hu Tao eventually went back to her dorm after talking a lot with both you and Yoimiya. and you finally got to chill in your room.

"hey, y/n, who did you get paired up with for the group project? i forgot." Yoimiya asks you before you enter your room.

"..what project."

a/n : woo first chapter, thank you for hyping me up btw Kanislab

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a/n :
woo first chapter, thank you for hyping me up btw Kanislab . thank you for reading this chapter and i hope to see you in the next one!!

─  ANONYMOUS STREAMER. ; K. KAZUHAWhere stories live. Discover now