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YOU'RE RELIEVED THAT KAZUHA DIDN'T NOTICE YOU TAKING A PICTURE OF HIM. well at least you hope he didn't. you take a bite of your pastry, your eyes widen in delight as the sweet taste melts on your tongue. the pastry tastes absolutely amazing, and you notice Kazuha also enjoying his own pastry too. and every passing minute it seems like more and more cats are swarming around Kazuha. he tried to pet every cat but some of them would jump on him unexpectedly which would make you lightly laugh sometimes. it seems like the cats here enjoy Kazuha's presence as much as you do too.

you also snapped a few more pictures of the platinum blonde without him noticing but of course, you also took pictures of the adorable cats that are walking freely around the cafe and also photos of yourself to post on twitter later. the both of you finished your little desserts after a while and decided it was time to leave the cafe. as you walked out, Kazuha held the door open for you before following after you shortly. on the way back, you both conversed with each other, changing the topics every once in a while. but soon enough, you eventually arrive at the dorms and it was time to part ways.

⸝⸝ you and Kazuha got closer overtime every time you both hangout or talk with eachother, and you both set up hangouts with eachother pretty often now and sometimes you decide invite other friends to join too. you are very glad that you and Kazuha got to meet with eachother, you're really fond of his presence. he lets out an aura that you can't quite explain, but it's an aura that helps you calm down and just relax.

BUT WHAT YOU DIDN'T KNOW, IS THAT SOMEONE HAS BEEN OBSERVING BOTH OF YOU FROM AFAR DURING YOUR HANGOUTS. once Kazuha immediately left to his dorm after arriving to the dormitory, waving you goodbye. but then voice called out to you as you were walking down the hallway towards your own dorm which is not too far from Kazuha's.

"Hey, you." a blonde female appeared from the corner of the hallway you were about to turn to. was she following you? though you really shouldn't jump into conclusions. you halt a few meters infront of the girl.
"hm? do you need something from me?" you ask her. you probably haven't met her before because you don't recognize her at all from any of your classes. what could she need?

"i have a small favor to ask, stay away from him, will you?" she glares at you. stepping a little closer.
"stay away from who? Kazuha?" you don't really know who she's referring to as 'him', but if you were to assume she's probably talking about Kazuha.

"who else, you hoe." she scoffs.
"oh, do you like him? if so, you can date him don't worry. nobody's stopping you from talking to him, good luck." it doesn't really matter if Kazuha is dating some right? you never really gave this any thought, but you're sure you just consider him as a close friend of yours. you attempt to walk past her but she quickly blocks your way. you sigh as you just wanted to head back to your own dorm and get some rest.

"don't lie to me your rat. i know you like him too, i want you to avoid him at all costs unless you want to be harmed." she threatens you. you know well that you can't defend yourself when it comes to a fight, but you didn't want to avoid Kazuha either. you wouldn't just throw away a perfectly good relationship for the sake of a person's crush.

"i'm sorry but i won't be avoiding Kazuha, being his friend or not is my own choice. and i'm not willing to avoid him for your own sake." you didn't comply with her, even if she were to actually hurt you, you still wouldn't give in. you're not the type to just ignore someone and leave them confused.

the girl infront of you furrowed her eyebrows in frustration and anger. she charged at you, her fist infront of her, ready to punch you. you closed your eyes shut in fear, you know that this is going to hurt. the pain never came. you were confused and opened your eyes to see a male infront of you, catching the girl's fist in his palm before it hit you.

"LET'S NOT RESORT TO VIOLENCE NOW, LUMINE." the male infront of you spoke out, you could tell it wasn't Kazuha since the voice sounds way too different from Kazuha's. it sounded quite smug, with a hint of venom laced in the voice. you couldn't tell who it was since the lighting in the hallway was pretty dim.

"Shikanoin? what are you doing here.." the girl, Lumine questioned him. annoyed, yet scared. he was part of the student council and could easily report this to the council president then to the principal. he chuckled at her question, "I just happened to be passing by just to see you bullying other students, again. I'm dissapointed, especially after you promised that you wouldn't repeat your actions last time." he crossed his arms with a smirk as he spoke.

"whatever, I won't do it again." the blonde haired said before taking her leave into her own dorm. anyone could tell that she was definitely just bluffing, but Shikanoin decided that he was too tired to deal with this right now, especially when it's already pretty late. he'll deal with her another time. the burgundy haired boy turned around to face you now, who hasn't spoke a word since his appearance.

"thank you, Shikanoin. I don't know what could've happened if you weren't here, I owe you one." you bow slightly, as a sign of thanks.
"you're welcome L/n, and no need to owe me anything, it was nothing. it's part of my job as a student council member anyways." he gave you a closed-eye smile, which made you notice the pretty moles under each eye.

"even so, I still feel bad if I don't get you anything for that. let me treat you to a drink sometime, but I really have to get back to my dorm now. thank you again, Shikanoin." you thank him one last time before shortly leaving after, finally being able to return to your dorm and take a nice rest.

you opened the door to your dorm, and your dormmate was standing right infront of the door.

"Y/N. WHERE HAVE YOU BEEENN, I WAS WORRIED THAT YOU GOT KIDNAPPED." the strawberry blonde girl immediately hugged you as you set foot into the room.

" the strawberry blonde girl immediately hugged you as you set foot into the room

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i abandoned this for like 6 months before continuing it again now.

this chapter is so cringe i did not think this through

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