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"broski be patient i'm literally going to throw up right now.." you were slouching as you followed behind the girls with your head all dizzy from the rollercoaster you just rode because it had a lot of spinning and crazy drops which made you scream so loudly you swear you felt like you were ascending for a few seconds. but it's overall a ten out of ten experience!

"ugh.. why are these lines so long!" the brunette complained, groaning at how long its taking to just get on one singular ride. while Yoimiya on the other hand was taking fun selfies and pictures to post on her instagram, making sure you both were in frame too. the heat from the sun was no joke, its so bright and sunny today. to be fair, it's pretty nice and all, you could feel your skin being burnt off even with all the sunscreen you applied prior to entering the theme park.

you were fanning yourself with your hands despite it barely doing anything to help you feel any cooler, blanking out while doing so because you got bored as you stood idly waiting in line. but you instantly snapped back to reality when you felt someone tug on your wrist then start dragging you.

"hey!- HOLD ON I'M LOOSING MY BALANCE." you let go of your friend's hand before tripping then falling down frontwards onto the rocky surface, it hurt really badly because you broke your fall using you hands and knees which means the rough rocks definitely hurt your palm and knees but you were glad that you didn't bring your dorm mate down with you in the process. you slowly got up from the position you were in, feeling a stinging pain in your knees.

"y/n! oh my gosh! i'm so sorry." the blonde immediately rushed towards you, Hu tao, who also saw what happened ran to your aid too. the two concerned, while one of them was feeling very guilty, knowing that they were the one who made you fall down.

"it's fine Yoi, really. I know you didn't mean to do that at all, I'll be fine!" you reassured her, trying your best to give her a thumbs up even with the bits of blood that was coming out from the few wounds on your hand. but your friends did not buy it at all, still giving you a concerned look. you sighed, you tried your best to stand up properly but that your knees were really shaky. seeing this, Yoi supported your left side while Tao helped support your right. you were really grateful to have best friends like this.

all of you took a seat on a bench Hu tao spotted, taking a small rest. obviously not being able to go anywhere yet with your bloody arms and knees. good thing that both of them had brought enough tissue to help clean the blood off along with some water from Yoimiya's bottle. though you really felt guilty for ruining your guys' hangout like this.

"wait, isn't that Childe and Itto right there?!" Yoimiya pointed to the direction in front of you, "it really is!" you and Hu tao replied in unison, letting out a small laugh. the strawberry blonde immediately started waving at the two who were quite far away from where you guys were sitting but still visible.

"CHILDE!! ITTO!! OVER HERE!!!" the loud girl shouted, causing many people to stare at the trio including the duo she was calling out to. you would be lying if you weren't embarrassed from all the stares though. the ginger and white haired men ran up to the three of you, surprised seeing all of you here. but they were even more shocked to see the state you were in, you noticed their obvious expression and gave a half smile to the boys.

"seems like someone was running around too much." Childe still managed to crack up some type  joke that honestly made you hold back a snort,
"well, you're not wrong, but please kindly shut up, you sound like a squeaky rat." you insult the ginger, the male pretending to be hurt from your comment by dramatically putting his hand on his chest.

"hey! don't you insult my homie, i will bite you" the tall man warned you, not so menacingly. Hu tao just bursted out laughing, wiping fake tears, and Yoimiya was just looking at the man weirdly.

"I'm so scared, please call my mom!" you terribly acted with a flat expression, trying to kick the white haired man in the knee cap but you forgot that your own knee was in bad shape. you let out a hiss, and then everyone's attention came back to your injury.

"oh shoot, I forgot about that. what should we do? it seems like you guys cleaned it already before we came but blood's still dripping from the open wounds. should I lick it?" the ginger jokingly suggested, smirking a bit.

"no, ew. pass." you quickly stated, slightly disgusted.

"ooh! ooh! I have an idea!" Itto raised his hand like he was answering a question given by a teacher.

"omg what is it Itto, your ideas are always the best, spit it out right now." Childe eagerly waites for the taller male to say his idea, proud that his friend was finally using his last 6 braincells to form an idea.

"so, like, what was his name again? he's like very tiny and he was going to come here too, ooh! and he has this interesting hair color it's like a grandpa. don't you remember him Childe my dude?!" Itto put his hand on his chin, rubbing his non-existent beard.

"are you.. talking about Kazuha?" which was the first name that came to his mind when he heard the description his best buddy gave. Yoimiya immediately shot you a look, raising her eyebrows up and down with a smile. and you know exactly what she was implying.

'kazuha? he's coming here? WHAT.' you thought to yourself, what would he do when he sees you like this? you can't bare looking at his sad face right now, you would literally explode. you knew that Kazuha would definitely get concerned and make that sad expression with a little frown that makes you feel bad. you could not handle that right mow.

"oh yes! that dude, Kazuha! I heard he always brings a roll of those sticky things for wounds and alcohol to clean the wound like a little first aid kit you know? he told us that he was coming here with.. the twink with blue braids in the gc right?!"

so he is coming here, what luck you have.

so he is coming here, what luck you have

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a/n :

im eeeeepy but u cant run away from kazuha KOKOMI SOON I THINK. YYEAHH.

(im not so proud of these few chapters lately, i promise they'll get better once j get my motvation back)

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