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Kazuha !!

Kazuha! I was wondering if you'd like to join a little vacasstion me and my friends (and some of your friends too) are joining when spring break finally comes we were discussucujg this over lunch but we couldn't find you anywhere so I had to tell you this over text
sorry if this is a little randanom, this plan was pretty sudden but I was invited to lunjch by my friends to meet soeme of their friends that they made a while ago and they happeenened to be your close frienwds too. we got to know eachotwither and then suddenddly Yoimiya and Childe suggested that we should go somewhereje together for spring break

Kazuha !!
Is that so? I would love to join, it sounds very fun. though may I ask when and where will it be held? and how long will we be staying there. I need to clear up my schedule for this trip.

oh, yes! of course, sorry I forgot to mentoinh it in my msg earlier but were heading there 2 days after sprrirng break starts which is in around 3 days, andd we're going to Liyue! a lot of us have been meanihgbg to visit Liyue for a while now and fortunatyky, Childe has some connections with some people there to give us a 60% discount (Childe is paying for everyones room btw) . lastly, we'll be staying theere for roughly 4 days?1! though it's alright if you cant stay for the entire trip!! im very haeppy that u are able to join this little frientdly vacation were doing 🫶

Kazuha !!
thank you for telling me this. my schedule happens to be clear during the entire spring break so I'll definitely be joining. I should start packing some of my things then since spring break starts in around 4 days right?

youre welchgme Kazuuuhaa!! i should start packihgnf too

Kazuha !!
wait, sorry but before you start packing could I ask you a question?

sure, whst do uto ask? 🥰🤨😞🤯

Kazuha !!
this might be sudden but is it alright with you if I call you N/n? (nickname) it's fine if you don't agree with this, i just came up with the nickname last night before heading to bed for no reason so i was wondering if i could start calling you it since I find the nickname cute.

thats so sweet pf u okgmg yeyeys you cam call ke that, i love it sm!! thenak yoyu kazu
oh waiitt shoot that slsippedmdout

Kazuha !!
it's alright, its only fair if I allow you to call me a nickname too, N/n

yeheah!! oakkay then kazu ill go pack my stuff nwow before i starat procrastinatimgg
liked by Kazuha !!

─  ANONYMOUS STREAMER. ; K. KAZUHAWhere stories live. Discover now