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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN "WHAT PROJECT".." your dorm mate stares blankly at you.

"yeah so like.. what project?.." you answered with an awkward smile, you probably fell asleep during the time the teacher was assigning the groups for a new project. so now, you have absolutely no clue who your project partner is and you can only rely on your friend to try to remember who your professor partnered you with.

you see your blonde haired friend just sigh while facepalming, this was the second time you didn't know who you were assigned with on a group project because you 'coincidentally' always not focus while your professor is announcing the groups.

"well.. i only listened when i heard my name but i think your group partner was.." yoimiya looked down and started trying to recall the name of the person even though she probably doesn't remember it at all. well, at least she's trying.

"well? who is it?.." you ask her, not wanting to ask your professor tomorrow because that would be embarrassing for you. yoimiya finally shot her head back up with a smile, you look at her attentively hoping that she remembers the name of the person.

"i have no idea! all i remember that it starts with a letter in the alphabet, good luck!" the blonde gave you a thumbs up before going into her own room, leaving you completely dumbfounded. and now, you had to ask the professor tomorrow morning or if you're fortunate, your project partner walks up to you and asks you about the project. but that's a problem in the future that future you will have to deal with.

so as for now, you're going to check if Zuroi is streaming or not. you quickly go into your room and sit at your desk and open up your laptop that is laying on the middle of your desk. the screen brightened up and you opened twitch to see that Zuroi was infact, not streaming. and you checked the date and see that it's a Tuesday. you completely forgot the fact that Zuroi doesn't stream on Tuesdays so now, all you can do is watch tiktoks or do random stuff since you didn't have any plans for the day.

⸝⸝ EVENTUALLY, YOU LOST TRACK OF TIME. and the clock just struck 2:30 am. you were too busy scrolling on your phone you forgot that you still have school tomorrow and you need to get some decent sleep. so of course, you promised yourself that you would sleep in 10 minutes so you could get at least a few hours of sleep.

which was definitely not what happened. you never actually slept, before you knew it it was already 5:47 am which was only 43 minutes away from the time you usually wake up for school. you had no time to get sleep now at this point so you just got up from your cozy bed so you could prepare for your lectures that start at 7:30 am today.

at least your dorm mate didn't have to bother waking you up this morning. but even though you woke up earlier than usual, yoimiya wakes up at 5 am in the morning because she needs a little more time than you to get ready. so it doesn't really surprise you to see your blonde haired friend in the kitchen, making some breakfast for you.

"good morning yoi.." you were very sleepy and simply didn't have the energy to even go to school, but you have to. your friend turned around, surprised to see you already awake and already ready for school which is a very rare occurrence.

"wow, good morning y/n! did you finally decide to get a proper sleep schedule so you could wake up on time?" yoimiya being as cheerful as ever despite it being still early in the morning.
"quite the opposite.. i didn't even sleep last night." you sat down on the dining table and ate your breakfast.

"you're gonna turn into a walking zombie one day.." she spoke as she deadpans you

⸝⸝ YOU ARRIVED AT THE CAMPUS WITH A LOT OF TIME TO SPARE. so you took this as an opportunity to ask your professor while there is not a lot of people at school yet. you walked towards his office and knocked on his door. professor Albedo is usually checking through assignments in his office in the morning.

"yes? you may come in." you hear him say, you turned the handle and opened the door slowly.
"excuse me, professor Albedo, i'm sorry to bother you but i have a question about the project you assigned yesterday."

"is there something you're struggling with?" he asks you while his eyes are still on the papers and artworks lying on his desk.
"not really, i just forgot my group partner.."

"oh? your partner is.. Kaedehara Kazuha. the platinum blonde haired boy with the red hair streak?" the professor described your group partner, and you tried to remember who it is.
"i see, thank you professor. oh and, here's the project you assigned last time" you placed your project on his desk before give him a quick smile before leaving his office.

"Kaedehara Kazuha.. Kaedehara Kazuha.." you mumble out his name multiple times while walking down the hallway towards your class. you can't remember who this person is, you're completely unfamiliar with the name.

"may i help you? is there something wrong?.." you look up to see a male who is not much taller than you with a maroon colored hair that is tied into a low ponytail at the back. he has two distinctive moles under his eyes and had colored eyes. he didn't match professor Albedo's description at all.

"huh? oh! uhm, sorry but do you happen to know someone with the name Kaedehara Kazuha?" you question the male standing infront of you.
"yes, i do actually, he's a friend of mine. I could bring you to him. oh and, my name's Shikanoin Heizou, nice to meet you."

"i'm L/n F/n, nice to meet you too. so could you please tell me where Kaedehara Kazuha is at?" you ask him about Kaedehara's whereabouts because you need to ask him when he's available for the project.



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the second chapter is finally done, it's currently 1:58 am actually and i made a bet with my friend (Kanislab) that i could finish a 1000 word chapter before she can finish her chapter that already has 400 words done and guess who won!1 me ofc bc im js better /j anws i hope you enjoyed ill see u in the next chapter and i can't believe there's no typos despite me writing at 2 am

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