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- "HUH?" YOU LOOK TOWARDS WHERE THE VOICE WAS COMING FROM. there is a platinum haired boy with a red streak that pops out standing behind you, his appearance matched your professor's description completely.

"Kazuha, this person was just looking for you, I don't know what for but let's hope it's not another confession. well, I'll be leaving now, bye~" he winked before walking away and disappearing from our sight when he turned the hallway.

"so, what was it that you needed me for?" he tilted his head slightly while smiling a bit, he is so cute and handsome and his voice is so nice.
"right! about that, you're my project partner, and I just wanted to ask when you're available to work on it. and where we should do it."

"I'm free at Thursday or Sunday this week, usually at the afternoon. and we could do it in my dorm if that's alright with you?" he responded.
"sure, Thursday this week sounds good. at around 3 pm? oh, and could i get your number? so i can contact you about the project."
"alright, it's settled then. and of course, here's my number. take your time." he lent you his phone while his contact info was on display. you quickly typed in the digits of his contact into a new contact and saved him as 'Kadehara Kazuha.'

you text him a short "hi" so he could get your number and save it before giving his phone back to him and bowed slightly.

"we should get to class now, it's going to turn 7:30 in 6 minutes."

"you're right, let's walk to class together then? since we have the same class!.." you offered him, to which he nodded to. the walk to class was silent, nobody decided to speak. it wasn't awkward at all, it's like Kaedehara emits some type of calm aura around him. it felt quite nice walking by his side despite not knowing anything about him yet. though you looked forward to it.

⸝⸝ THE LECTURES WERE KIND OF UNINTERESTING AS USUAL. sometimes, you just randomly started talking to Kokomi. She was fun to talk with, but she also says she has to focus in the lecture your professor was giving so you decide not to bother her and doodle on your book and on your hand with your pen.

as soon as you were excused to leave the classroom, you went to hangout with Hu Tao and Yoimiya at the cafe today. you guys mostly talked about whatever comes to your minds until time passes. but you all eventually went back to our own dorms after a while.

Yoimiya had to do her project with her partner today, so you were now left alone in the dorm all alone. you got a notification on your laptop saying that Zuroi was now live on twitch, so of course, you clicked on the notification which leads you immediately to the stream. you plugged in your headphones so you could hear his voice loud and clear.

─  ANONYMOUS STREAMER. ; K. KAZUHAWhere stories live. Discover now