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- "SORRY ABOUT MY DORM MATE, CHILDE. SHE SURELY DIDN'T MEAN TO, RIGHT?" THE STRAWBERRY BLONDE GIRL NUDGED YOUR SIDE, "yeah.. I didn't mean it. sorry, Childe" you apologized, insincerely because you still found him weird from when he tried to flirt with you right after he became conscious.

"apology accepted. now, I heard you needed some advice. you called the right person, I have so much relationship advice up my ass that i never got to use because nobody ever comes up to me for any relationship advices or whatever because I pull everything but women." he explained.

"I'm starting to feel like you called the wrong person Yoi.. I have a bad feeling about this." you whispered to the female sitting beside you, concerned on what type of advice he was going to give you. you would rather just figure this out yourself than come to this guy for help if you were being completely honest.

"don't worry Y/n, trust me, this guy may be unexperienced in being in an actual relationship but he cooks when he gives people advice about crushes, relationship problem, or literally anything. so do not underestimate Childe here." she reassured you, which somewhat helped you but not really because you still had some concerns on this dude but you'll judge his advice once you actually hear it.

"alright! now that's settled, tell me what problem you have with this.. uhh Kazuha guy?" you had no idea how to explain your situation with him. especially if you were to mention that you got stalked and was almost beaten up because of Kazuha, even though it wasn't entirely his fault. you didn't have a problem telling Child this but the problem is your dorm mate would definitely immediately freak out when she hears that all that happened to you.

so you had to ask her to leave the room for a while, and being the kind and understanding person she is, she complied and left the dorm, informing you that she'll head to the local convenience store to buy some snacks. you shortly nodded and then went back to your conversation with the male who was still waiting for you to explain the situation you have with Kazuha.

"so like technically, i met Kazuha at a group project well not really i met him because of a group project but I actually met him at the school hallway and like the group project made us closer because we had to tell each other more about ourselves since it was kind of needed so we could finish the project so because of that we obviously got closer and started hanging out more, and we got even closer every time we hung out and it was all going smoothly until one time after one of our hangouts, a girl randomly came up to me and threatened me to ignore and leave Kazuha because she liked him. I said that I won't and that she could have him because I didn't like Kazuha but then she almost beat me up because I didn't want to but thankfully my friend was there to stop her. but after that encounter I started thinking more about Kazuha and maybe if I actually liked him or not. because whenever I'm near him I like feel safe and comfortable and I love his voice, his eyes, and literally he's so pretty and majestic I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO."

you started rambling and telling everything to a guy who you barely even knew but you eventually had to tell it to someone, right.. you stopped talking after you realized you were talking too much. you looked at Childe to see that he seemed very focused and was actually trying to process everything you said. maybe he was actually a good person.

"first of all, I'm glad that you didn't end up ignoring the person that you probably like. and the girl who threatened you sucks. and by the sounds of it, you probably do have a crush on him. it seems like you really admire him, and you really shouldn't try to stop yourself from liking him because of that other person liking Kazuha too. love is inevitable, and that's a fact. you don't have to force yourself not to like someone just because another person likes him too. if you really do think that you like Kazuha, then go for it. but to make sure, could I ask you a few questions?" you underestimated him, his advice really is top-tier..

you slowly shook your head in agreement, allowing him to ask a few questions, "what else do you feel other than being comfortable and safe around him?" you thought about the question he gave you before answering.

"I feel like I could be myself and carefree around him, and if we have the smallest bit of physical contact, like our shoulders simply brushing against each other lightly, it feels like electrifying. like it sends electric shocks throughout my entire body. whenever he talks or helps me do something, it makes me feel warm and.." you sighed, "i think I really do like him." you admit.

"took you long enough to realize, now, I have another question." you tilt your head curiously, what other question does he need to ask?

"do you have soda by any chance? i feel a little thirsty after all that speaking." there was an awkward moment of silence before you got up to grab him a can of soda from the fridge. you returned with a can of soda and (your choice of drink) and grabbed your phone to text Yoimiya that she could come back now.

not long after you sent the text, the door busted open with with a loud thud to reveal your dorm mate at the door with a bag full of snacks and beverages.

"NOW THAT THAT'S OVER, LET'S GO WATCH A MOVIE TOGETHER SHALL WE??" Yoi shouted out loudly to the point that the entire dormitory would have heard her voice.

you all spent the rest of the night having fun watching horror movies together while snacking on the chips and popcorn Yoimiya purchased for all of you.

you all spent the rest of the night having fun watching horror movies together while snacking on the chips and popcorn Yoimiya purchased for all of you

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a/n :
i'm surprisingly being consistent for once.

this chapter is a bit short btw since it's kind of a filler but it's useful for the storyline trust

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