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— AFTER THE EVENTFUL DAY YESTERDAY, IT WAS ABOUT TIME YOU START BEING A BIT MORE PRODUCTIVE. which was going out of your dorm to return something you may have accidentally stolen from Kazuha.

when it was turning night yesterday after the hangout at the amusement park it gotten cooler and you didn't think about bringing a jacket even though winter is coming up soon in Inazuma. so the kind person Kazuha is, he lended you his jacket. which you forgot to return once you reached your dorm last night because you were so tired already.

so now, you were on your way to your friend's dorm with the red and white jacket in your hand. his dorm was not so far away, but it took you minutes to get out of bed just to do this.

you stood infront of the wooden door, knocking on it twice. but no one came to answer the door. you knocked again one more time, but again no one opened it. you were now contemplating whether you should just return it later or break into Kazuha and Heizou's dorm.

you took a deep breath before you opened turn the handle slowly, and surprisingly the door was already unlocked. does that mean their inside right now? you quietly stepped into their dorm, trying not to make any noise just in case.

you knew where their bedroom is at since you went here before for the project, you plan on just entering their room then dropping off the jacket swiftly. but your plans were interrupted when you heard voices coming from the room, along with noises that sounded like a video game?

you dismissed that and opened the door anyways, and neither of them acknowledge the sound of the door opening because they were both wearing their noise cancelling headphones. you looked through the small opening you made, not daring to enter the room anymore.

you thought it wouldn't hurt to look at their computer screen, just to see what game they were playing. instead of just seeing a fun little game, you saw a whole streaming set up. the layout was similar, but you couldnt see it so clearly.

you ended up shutting the door again and taking your leave, it would be embarrassing if you suddenly broke in while they were streaming. while you were walking back you decided to check on Zuroi's account, finding him streaming the exact same game you saw Heizou and Kazuha playing.

your suspicions were confirmed, Kazuha is indeed Zuroi.

when you arrived back inside of your dorm, Yoimiya immediately noticed that you haven't returned the jacket yet.

"y/n? was Kazuha not in his dorm?" your dormmate asked you, tilting her head slightly. you couldn't just tell her what you had just found out, it would ruin his identity as a faceless streamer.

"yeah, when I arrived at the dorm nobody came to answer so, I'll just return it next time!!" you felt guilty lying to your close friend, but you had to. after that, you went back to your own room and tossed yourself onto the soft comforting bed.

maybe you shouldn't have entered into their home secretly.

you didn't know why you felt so betrayed and saddened finding out that all this time he was the streamer that you love. you spent there thinking if you had a chance with Kazuha now. you realized that maybe he is out of your league, he mentioned in his stream once that he likes someone already. what are the chances of it being you? you shouldn't have thought that you and Kazuha could have been together anyways. he's handsome, smart, popular, both online and in real life. and what are you?

you stayed in your room for hours, not even scrolling on social media until the clock striked 6 pm. you had to get out of your room at some time, you finally got up and made your way to the kitchen. to clear your head a bit, you told Yoi that you'd be cooking dinner tonight. you know, maybe it would be fun to cook once in a lifetime.

"okayy!! don't burn the kitchen down though..!" she gave you a thumbs up, even though she knew how awful your cooking skills were.

you cooked up some almond tofu, a dish that Xiao taught you when you were friends in high school. you'll probably pay him a visit when you visit Liyue in a few days. Hu tao really misses him too.

though the almond tofu you cooked was.. a lot more different than when Xiao makes it. you definitely messed up somewhere but it's still edible so it's probably okay?.. you called your roommate out of her room so she could taste it herself and be the judge of your definitely amazing cooking.

"it's.." your friend could barely finish her sentence and instead gave you a thumbs up with a wry smile. she continued munching on that one bite for over a minute, trying to make herself swallow it.

"..geez you can atleast try better to pretend that you like it." you sighed as you place your head on your forehead in dissapointment of your own cooking. come to think of it, you haven't even tried to taste the dish you made yourself.

you cut off a small piece of the tofu and put it in your mouth, letting the flavours melt into your tongue for while before you spat it out into the sink.


"EXACTLY." your roommate laughed at you chugging down a glass of water at the awful taste of your own cooking. you really need xiao to give you some cooking lessons one day bro.

after cleaning up the kitchen and throwing out the disgusting dish you cooked up, you helped Yoimiya pack for the trip tomorrow. both of you were excited, but what you weren't excited for was having to see Kazuha everyday at the trip.

a/n :ive never been so consistajt before whats with this surge of motivation anyways angst??! kind of but yeyeyah!1, no kazu x y/n chapters for a while evil emoji bc i js love writing angst

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a/n :
ive never been so consistajt before whats with this surge of motivation anyways angst??! kind of but yeyeyah!1, no kazu x y/n chapters for a while evil emoji bc i js love writing angst

─  ANONYMOUS STREAMER. ; K. KAZUHAWhere stories live. Discover now