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— THREE HOURS LATER, THE CLOCK HAD STRUCK 7 PM. and the project was almost close to done, but you are already very tired. Kazuha said he'll finish the rest by himself and you can go back to your own dorm, but you denied going back to your dorm while the project was still not done because you wanted to finish the project together.

all there was left to do for the project was to add the last few details with paint, then the project is all set to submit. you help mix the paint into the colors you guys needed while Kazuha slowly painted the small details like some maple leaves, birds in the background, and other things to make the painting seem more full.

after only another 20 minutes, you guys finished the project and you are both satisfied with the results. you lifted your hand up, initiating a high five, which took a while for Kazuha to get it but he finally understood what you meant and gave you a high five. you stand up from your seating position because it was time for you to leave since the project is already done.

"i'm glad we got to finish the project in a day, thanks for allowing me to do it in your dorm. i'll be going back to my own dorm now, maybe we can hangout again another day!" you bowed slightly before giving a wave to Kazuha who also waved back with a smile. today was actually very enjoyable, you are very glad that your project partner wasn't some boring kid who tells you to do all the work like some of your previous group partners.

being with Kazuha is very comfortable, and you hope to be able to spend some more time with him in the future. you made it back to your dorm and greeted your dorm mate, you put your stuff on the floor of your room and went to sit on your desk. even though you already checked earlier today, you still went to see if Zuroi posted anything on X.

and to your surprise, there was a new tweet by Zuroi,

it wasn't often that he does streams when it isn't the days on his streaming schedule, but it was a celebration stream so you didn't think much about it

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it wasn't often that he does streams when it isn't the days on his streaming schedule, but it was a celebration stream so you didn't think much about it. and of course you have to watch it later. but first, you are going to rest for a bit after working on a project for 5 hours straight.

─  ANONYMOUS STREAMER. ; K. KAZUHAWhere stories live. Discover now