Chapter Three--The-Not-So-Awful-House

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Two months later, I hugged my friends goodbye as well as some of the kids I babysat who were friends with some of my siblings. Their parents had already handed me my final paycheck in my pocket. We all stood near a tire swing. Even though I had somewhat changed my perspective on moving, seeing my siblings so miserable made me want to go back to the way I was. I always had the superpower of knowing when my siblings were miserable. This was one of the moments when it came most handy.

I attempted not to cover my ears over Henry playing his clarinet with a group of his friends. It wasn't that I didn't like the song. It was that they were playing the worst rendition I had ever seen. The next thing I heard was Dad trying to convince Gunner to get in the car. At this point, even bribing him with a treat wouldn't work......Nearby the car, Mark sat near a nearby tree with Beans in his arms as he told him to say goodbye to Pork. Lorraine stood a few feet away with a scrapbook her friends had given her. Mike came outside next, the only person not in a bad mood. In fact, he was rather...... energetic. Finally, there was Charlie standing near Beth and her car kissing her on the hair. My heart broke even more seeing my siblings so I looked away focusing on my friends.

I hugged everyone standing around me promising to come and see them whenever I could. Waving the saddest goodbye I had ever waved, I made my way to my car where I would be driving myself. However, seeing Gunner, I had him follow me to my car with his leash.

"Charlie! Do me a favor and drive the cutlass!" Dad called tossing him the keys. All he got was a glare and a 'thanks for ruining my life.'

"I DON'T WANNA MOVE!" I heard Kyle yell as Gunner finally got in my car. I stared at the house for a second savoring this moment for as long as possible before getting in the driver's seat, a panting dog sitting beside me. I scratched Gunner behind the ear as I pulled out of the driveway, Charlie and Dad following close behind me.

"You're miserable too, aren't you Gun?" I whispered seeing the Midland sign signalling we were now leaving it.


Four hours later, I pulled into the street of the address I had written down. I stared at the houses as if it was some kind of a joke. They all looked like mansions. This was getting confusing......Had I gone to the correct address? Is Dad pranking me? If he is, not only will I be furious but I'll get to the house even later. Sure enough, there in the house in the middle of our street, was a familiar car. I turned making sure that was Charlie. Sure enough, there he was standing beside his car. Seeing the house, I regretted to say that I thought Dad was joking when he said that we would be able to afford all of the stuff we wanted.

Placing the car in park, I backed in slowly beside my brother in the parking lot. Dad and the moving trucks hadn't pulled in yet so it appeared to be just the two of us. Stopping the car, I carefully got buckled as Charlie went up to me to get Gunner out. He shook excitedly, his mood gradually changing. He ran up to the house but I held him back standing near my brother. Everyone seemed to be staring at us as if we were poor people. Gunner growled at them. Charlie turned to him amused as we both pet his back. Despite the fact that he was insane, he was a great driving buddy. I would've much preferred him over any of my siblings fighting in the back seat.

My thoughts were brought back to the moment when I saw our moving trucks parked in front of the house. Behind it, was our van with all of the kids. Turns out he wasn't pranking us after all.......

"Hey, this is it!" I heard Dad announce thirty seconds later. "I want everyone out! Everyone out!" Ten kids piled themselves out of the car as I handed Gunner's leash to Lorraine. We all ran to the house, me running with my siblings beside Kim and Jessica. The amusement of my siblings made me happy.

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