Chapter Seven--Babysitters And Lies

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The first and second days had flown by. The twins and I, as promised, had helped babysit Dylan. The twins even amazed Tina with their brilliance. I considered that a total win. Plus, the school newspaper seemed to be going well. It came to my attention though that my schedule for school days when I had to babysit Dylan, had begun to get more intense even after the third visit. I wanted to ask Tina to calm down with the schedule but, for obvious reasons, I didn't. Luckily for me, the school newspaper took place during free period so I didn't have to worry about them intertwining. Still, I had to rush from school to the school to pick up Dylan since Tina didn't want him on a 'filthy bus.' To add to all that, I had to deal with standing up for Charlie with the Football players. That stress seemed to be added when I pulled into the parking lot after babysitting Dylan for two hours after school, to see Mike hanging onto the side of the house.

I quickly put my car in park and unbuckled my seatbelt running to my brother before he injured himself. I waved at Mark and Charlie who were washing the cars before running to where I knew my brother was.

"Mike Baker! What do you think you're doing?! Get down from there right now," I ordered standing below him, hands on my hips. He kept swinging up and down as if I hadn't said anything. I sighed wishing one of my siblings would come and help. Luckily, Lorraine came out to see him and me. She put an arm on my shoulder to keep me from begging him anymore.

"Oh my god, Mike! Are you crazy?! This is far too dangerous! Dad would never let you do any of this!"

"Dad's not out here, though," he reminded her. "He's inside doing work."

"Well, still. Just wait until he sees what you're doing!" I lectured him.


"Down!" I ordered grabbing him from his back when he came down again. Lorraine, the sweet sister she is, took him from me telling me I needed a break. It was just about dinner time and I was starving so I found that as a win-win. Opening the door, I noticed Nora, who I had just noticed was here, attempting to scold Jake for putting a literal bucket on Jessica's head as she tried to get it off.

"How did you even get this this tight?!" she asked before waving when she saw me. Jake grinned skating away from her when she was trying to talk to him. I was about to follow him when I heard Dad yell, "Jessica! Can you get these plates and put them on the table please?"

I put an arm on my sister as good luck before grabbing my other one by the hand slightly.

"Jake Baker! Don't you dare hit me!" she shouted causing me to chuckle.

"It's Hunter, Jess," I reminded her.

"Who?! Henry?!" she asked with a muffled voice. I decided to try and ignore her walking to where Sarah was about to toss Mike's athletic cup in the pot Dad was using for dinner. My eyes widened.

"Sarah! No! It's going to get........."

Just like that, she tossed it in the pot with a sheepish look running off forgetting about her apparent dishwasher duty. I ran over to where the plates were to get a closer look at Dad who was holding an injured Kim. I narrowed my eyes at her concern. It looked like she had been hit with one of the darts Dad forbade. He picked the lid up at first letting out a groan of disgust before deciding to make a joke.

"Pasta-de-la-crust!" he shouted making me grin as I grabbed the plates from the table. I was about to explain what had happened in the hallway when Kyle came down the steps with a soccer ball. His face turned bright red when he saw the sauce.

"Is that blood?!" he asked shocked.

"Of course not. It's just---" He was disturbed by vomiting. I scrunched my nose trying not to puke myself. Kyle ran upstairs as fast as he could. After seeing Henry do the same when he tried to help, I decided I needed to get out of there but I still had plates in my hands. Dad attempted to shout for a band-aid disgusted by the sight in front of him. Just then, Nora returned with the band-aid in hand.

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