Chapter Eight--From Bad Turned To Worst

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The next morning, I walked down the steps noticing something hanging on the end of the railing. I hadn't seen Dad yet this morning, something rather odd. My siblings were just beginning to get up and that was proven when Charlie followed after me. I was careful not to step on any of the toys I hadn't had time to clean the night before. Figuring I'd clean up a couple before school, I reached for the note noticing it was from Dad.

"Hey, Charlie? Come look at this," I told him as he came behind me. I handed him the note so we could both look it over.

"Hey, kids. I left for work early this morning. Lorraine and Kim, you're doing breakfast. Henry and Jake, lunch. Hunter and Charlie, get your siblings ready and get them to school," he read. I shook my head. That meant there was no time for me to clean up.

"Of course, we're in charge of drop-offs. And I was supposed to pick up Dylan this morning," I groaned annoyed. My brother put an arm around me.

"Don't worry. We can divide up the kids," he said. "Lorraine and I can do Middle and the younger twins. You just take Elementary."

"Lorraine's not going to be pleased with sharing a car with Sarah," I murmured heading back upstairs, my head down. "I'll get the girls ready, you get the boys."

"I can get the kids ready, sis. You clean up the downstairs," he informed me, causing me to sigh in releath. Dad would not be pleased to come home to a house filled with toys.

After quickly showering and getting dressed since Lorraine, I grabbed my school stuff bringing it downstairs while Charlie tried to get the younger set of twins ready but Kyle didn't want the clothes Charlie had picked so he threw a temper tantrum. Deciding to ignore them, I went straight to my duties deciding to clean up the toys all over the hallway.


I had dropped off the kids quicker than I thought so I waited by my car looking over my essay I had due first period. Occasionally, I would look up to see if my brother was pulling in. Sure enough, ten minutes after I did, they pulled in beside me. I put my essay back in my folder and placed my backpack back on. However, before they could even get out, another group caught my eye. With a scoff, I ignored the bullies who were parked directly across from them. Charlie had to have noticed because he took a second to get out of the car.

"Come on, Charlie! You're going to make us late," Lorraine rushed. She was one to say that.......I had to practically beg her to hurry up with her makeup. It had gotten to the point where I had to take my group of kids and take them to school before Sarah got out her Lacrosse stick again.

"You don't think that's your fault?" Charlie asked with his eyes raised coming out of the car.

"Whatever. Come on. I do not want to be late," she murmured fixing her backpack. Before our brother could even slam the door, the bullies peered through one of the windows. they were creepers too.

"Cute car seats, Baker," the lead one joked pointing at Kyle and Nigel's.

"That's the first compliment you've ever made to us," I said with sarcasm.

"You know, we don't have time for this. We had to take our siblings to school this morning......if that's okay with you," Lorraine said, sassy attitude and all.

"Don't even bother, sis. I've already tried with these guys," I whispered.

"What happened? Did--did Mommy and Daddy go back to the farm?" he antagonized, obviously trying to test him. Lucky for him, it worked because Charlie turned around, his face bright red in rage.

"You know what?! This whole harass-the-hick thing is getting old," he shouted storming over to him about ready to get in a fight.

"Actually, that's just the beginning," the jerk added ready for a challenge.

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