Chapter Twenty-One--Well-Deserved Romance

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I stood behind Dad holding a carton of eggs as he held a spoon. We couldn't help but notice though what was going on on the dock. Sarah and Elliot were talking which wasn't considered unusual. They had secretly been talking on the phone to each other to complain about whose Dad's tactics were worse. What really shook me was what they seemed to be talking about.

"I'll have to ask my Dad but yeah. Tonight should sound good," I overheard my sister tell him. Elliot smiled at her and leaned in to kiss her cheek causing Dad to look like he was about to cry at the sight. I, on the other hand, was smiling happy for my sister but concerned about Dad. If that moment wasn't enough to prove they were going on a date, Elliot had brought over a two-person canoe so they could ride together with no interruptions.

Elliot grabbed his paddle and began to head off into the water, Sarah running off the dock excitedly. I had to stop myself from hugging my sister wanting to consider Dad's feelings. When Sarah saw Dad, she knew exactly what feelings.

"Hey, Dad!" she said grinning from ear to ear. He didn't answer. "Are you okay?" she asked confused.

"Yeah. I'm fine," he excused. "Um, thank goodness you're back. I was going to ask Hunter to help with walking twenty-five yards for the egg race but since you're here, I figured you'd want to do it."

"Yeah, sure," she agreed as Dad directed her where to go.

A part of me wanted to go inside knowing I wasn't wanted but I was genuinely interested in what Dad was going to say. I simply leaned against the railing as Sarah tried to bring up the topic.

"Uh, Dad. I wanted to ask you something," she said obviously not sure about how to talk to him about it.

"Those steps are too small," he simply said so he wouldn't have to talk about it.


"Those steps are---"

"Can I go to the movies with Elliot Murtaugh tonight?" she asked quickly as she continued stepping.

"Too big," Dad finished before realizing he had to give her an answer. "Uh, I guess so."

I smiled at my sister encouringly turning around to pick out a cute outfit I knew she would love but wouldn't be too girly.


"Sarah!" Nora shouted as she pounded on the bathroom door. I stood with her, Kim, and Jessica as the girls pounded their mini fists on the door.

"Uh, Nor---" I started trying to explain the circumstances. However, I was interrupted by Kim.

"Sarah. Nora has to urinate and a full bladder puts inordinate strain on the abiotic factor. That, in turn--" I shook my head placing an arm around her and her twin who rolled her eyes in agreement.

"Kim!" Nora scolded before she could say anymore. "Thank you! But let's just go with hurry up."

"Hurry up!" the three shouted pounding on the door. My middle sister unlocked the door facing us.

"I need.........Lorraine," she informed them obviously looking frustrated as she locked it again.

"Girls. You get Lorraine. She's in the other bathroom. Nora. When they're done, you can use it."

All of my sisters nodded as I knocked on the door, hanging onto the perfect outfit no one could convince me otherwise that Sarah would absolutely love. Sarah quickly unlocked it turning to me. She smiled when she saw the hand-me-down white sweater with comfy jeans.

"Hunter. This is great but it doesn't feel.......fancy enough," she said. I sighed putting an arm around her figuring she'd say that.

"Since when has Sarah Baker cared about being fancy?" I joked. "Besides, you were wearing this when Elliot asked you out, right?" I pointed to her Nike shirt she got as a hand-me-down from Charlie.

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