Chapter 19--Feelings Unleashed.......Or Not

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By the next day, all of us, including Mom and Dad had plans to hang out with the Murtaughs. I hadn't gotten to spend too much time with Daniel lately so we made plans for us to play volleyball near the tennis court where our parents were playing. All morning, I couldn't stop smiling anxiously. Still, I was nervous about the whole Sarah incident. I had seen her almost go into my room to ask me something but she seemed to back out at the last minute. My older sister instincts told me she needed me more than ever right now.

I hummed slightly digging through my makeup bag and finding a small chapstick. I didn't want to put anything too extreme on her yet. Coming downstairs, I held the chapstick running towards one of the bathrooms where the door was open. Sure enough, Sarah stood in front of the sink holding Lorraine's makeup bag. She looked quite puzzled not sure what to think of it. I knocked on the door so she knew I was there.

"Hey, sis," I told her heading inside. She jumped slightly probably worrying that it was another one of our sisters that didn't know about her and Elliot.

"Hey, Hunter," she said when she relaxed. She noticed the chapstick in my arms and she had a guilty yet thankful look on her face.

"I know you said you didn't need any help but I figured I'd help you with this," I told her.

"Thanks," she smiled putting the bag down. "If you see Lorraine, tell her I didn't take her makeup bag. She'll kill me if she knew."

"Don't worry. I've got your back," I reassured her rubbing her arms sisterly.

"And Hunter? I'm sorry for my attitude yesterday," she said. I shrugged.

"I don't care about that right now. All I'm focused on is you," I told her grabbing a hair brush and combing through her hair.

"I can do this by myself, you know," she joked.

"I know. I just want to do something for you," I told her. "Please. Just don't worry. I've got--"

"Sarah! Hunter! Hurry up!" Mark yelled from the living room. I frowned seeing that we would have to save our bonding time for another day.

"Okay," Sarah called nervously as we both walked out of the bathroom. I gave her a concerned look. I didn't say anything though because I heard Dad come down the steps.

"Has anyone seen my other tennis shoe?!" he asked hoping someone had found it.

"No," Mark answered for him and Jake.

"No, we haven't," Sarah informed him still with a scared tone as she put the makeup back in Lorraine's room. She handed me the chapstick but I refused.

"Keep it," I mouthed as Kim and Jessica gave him the same answer. I saw Kim jump back terrified.

"Chiseller!" she shouted causing my eyes to widen when I saw the rat running around. Sure enough, there it was with said tennis shoe. Dad attempted to run after it the second he saw it. Quickly, the rat ran to its hole and Dad grabbed the string of his shoe. When the rat had run off, and Mark had tried to calm Gunner down, Dad looked at the shoe with a frown seeing a big hole in it.


"Be good, Kenneth," I heard Daniel tell his brother as I kissed my own on the cheek.

"You too, Mark," I informed him reminding him of the fireworks incident.

"How many times do I have to say it?! It--"

"It was an accident. I know. I know. I'm just making sure," I informed him rubbing his hair causing him to laugh and flinch. We walked away towards the court together as I silently hoped Mark wouldn't lie to me and would actually try not to get himself in trouble. He just didn't seem like the type to lie but his act at the clambake with Jake had proven even he could get in trouble.

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