Chapter Twenty-Three--My Sweet Baby Nephew

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I held onto the back of Nora carefully as my siblings entered before her. Mom and Lorraine grabbed her hands and Dad and I had her back. Bud stood off to the side studying the boat to control himself. It didn't seem to be doing much though. No matter what any of us tried to say to him, he couldn't control himself. 

"Watch out! She's coming through!" Kim shouted.

"Nora. You okay?" Jessica asked with concern in her voice as she stood nearby. I let go of Nora once Bud had her and put an arm around my younger sister reassuringly. I couldn't help but laugh hearing Kyle, Nigel, Mike, and Sarah bet on the baby's gender. I stepped back with my sister letting go of her to give my older sister some space to help her sit down since she was now screaming for Mom. 

"You're okay, Nor. You've got this," I reassured her grabbing her hand. "And Bud. I get that you're going to be a Dad but please relax. You're making her anxious." He breathed trying to follow my orders. 

"Alright. How are you feeling honey?" Mom asked once she was seated with her husband. "Have you started cramping?"

"Yeah," she said trying to breathe since she saw her husband trying to relax. She put an arm around him still squeezing my hand. 

"Okay. How much?"

"Only a couple of times," she admitted. "Other than that, I'm good." 

Bud and Nora breathed together trying to relax themselves. I had a feeling it wouldn't last for long though. I was proven right when Bud had a disgusted look on his space as he turned away.

"Oh my god! I think I'm gonna be sick," he announced. I was about to help him when Lorraine slapped him causing me to smirk at her knocking some sense into him. I loved my brother-in-law but he was getting way too anxious and it was starting to drive me nuts. He grabbed the place her hand landed as she glared at him. 

"Pay attention to your wife," she shouted causing me to high-five her.

"I thought you were on my side," he wondered to me just as a figure went to stand next to Charlie nearby. I waved when I saw Anne happy for her for standing up to her Father to be with him. 

"Is she okay?" she asked worriedly putting an arm around him.  

"Yeah, she's just delivering lakeside," he informed. He then stared at her wet hair. "Did you swim all the way over here?" 

"Yeah," she whispered. I was about to ask about Jimmy when I heard him yell from the Murtaugh boat, "Baker! What's going on?!"

"Nora's having her baby! We're taking her to the hospital!" Dad announced somehow with no hatred in his voice. It was then I noticed Anne's siblings following behind her. Dad grabbed Lisa and Robin leading them to the surface carefully. Daniel ran up beside me causing me to hug him excitedly. We were about to kiss when we realized where we were when his sister interrupted us.

"What can I do to help?" she asked out of breath, like before. We glared at her jokingly before giggling. 

"Oh, honey. You just stay with Nora. Mark's on point, right honey?" she asked turning her head to her red-head son. Before he could answer, I noticed Kenneth standing beside him. 

"I can help! I know the area really well," he said. I raised my eyebrows at this.

"Are you sure you won't get us in any mischief Kenny the maniac?" I joked causing him to scoff at my answer.

"As a matter of fact, I am sure. My Dad had me read the maps of the area for no apparent reason but to keep me from getting in trouble," he joked causing Daniel to smirk at his brother.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2023 ⏰

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