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Home > Crossing Rebirth > Cannon fodder for the counterattack of the end times

Cannon Fodder for the Counterattack of the End Times Chapter 8

Author:Hyacinth Label: Cool text Upgrade the flow Crossing rebirth

"It seems that you can only buy this!" With a light sigh, Ouyang Xu clicked to confirm the purchase.

"Ding-dong! Congratulations to the host on the successful purchase, you currently have 0 points left.

Returning to the main page and looking at this warehouse (2) next to warehouse (1), Ouyang Xu gently curved the corners of his mouth. Although there are no points, but now, he has a constant temperature warehouse, he can prepare materials before the end of the world.

"Ding-dong, the host has activated the food reserve task, do you accept it?"

Raising his finger, Ouyang Xu chose to accept without hesitation. A shopping list immediately appeared in his hand.

"Rice, flour, salt, instant noodles, ham sausages, drinking water..." The shopping list is densely packed with the names and quantities of various foods.

Glancing at the shopping list, Ouyang Xu took the list in his arms and left the garage.

Chapter 12: A Taste of Hell

Holding a few books on the college campus, Huang Yiyi was walking to the library, but was stopped by two women.

"Yo, isn't this Miss Huang? Why are you wearing such shabby clothes today? What about your designer handbag? What about your diamond necklace? And what about your expensive dress? Staring at Huang Yiyi, Zheng Feiyue looked disdainful.

"That's it, aren't you very remarkable, turning Ouyang Xu's big young master around, do you want anything?" Opening his mouth, Hu Yu was also very disdainful of Huang Yiyi.

This Huang Yiyi is a fake gold worship girl. Before, it was clear that she was Ouyang Xu's girlfriend, but she was pried away by Huang Yiyi, a slut, and now that she thinks about it, Hu Yu hates it so much that her teeth itch.

After glancing at them, Huang Yiyi turned his head to bypass the two, but was stopped by Hu Yu.

"How, it doesn't feel good to be dumped by Ouyang Xu, right? The taste of falling from heaven to hell, and now you taste it too? Looking at Huang Yiyi, Hu Yu's eyes were full of gloating smiles.

She and Ouyang Xu got better when they were in high school. But after going to college, Ouyang Xu took a fancy to Huang Yiyi, a slut, and wanted to break up with her, and she didn't make trouble with Ouyang Xu for this matter. But unfortunately, Ouyang Xu's family is too powerful, and she can't fight. So in the end, she had to take the breakup fee of five million and break up with Ouyang Xu.

"My business has nothing to do with you!" Glancing at the other party, Huang Yiyi wanted to leave, but Hu Yu grabbed her clothes and slapped her hand.

"Slut, I've wanted to beat you up for a long time. Now there is no one to protect you. Even if I hit you, no one cares. As he spoke, Hu Yu glanced at his good friend Zheng Feiyue. Zheng Feiyue immediately stepped forward and grabbed Huang Yiyi's shoulder.

"Ah, what are you doing?" The hand in his arms fell to the ground. Huang Yiyi exclaimed.

"Slut, I'll let you rob the man with me!" Raising his hand, Hu Yu slapped Huang Yiyi five times fiercely.

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