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Home > Crossing Rebirth > Cannon fodder for the counterattack of the end times

Cannon Fodder for the Counterattack of the End Times Chapter 45

Author:Hyacinth Label: Cool text Upgrade the flow Crossing rebirth

"Sister-in-law!" Everyone's eyes fell on Ouyang Xu's body.

"Zhou Xiaohui, let him go, he's fine." Opening his mouth, Ouyang Xu signaled to release the person.

"Yes!" In response, Zhou Xiaohui stepped forward to untie Li Yong and removed the towel from his mouth.

"Hey, I haven't changed yet? Why did you tie it up? Rubbing his arm, Li Yong said jokingly.

"Okay, get up!" Stretching out his hand, Zhou Xiaohui pulled Li Yong up on the ground.

After Li Yong, Zhang Fengtian also woke up. And at this moment, it was already 10:32 p.m.

"What's going on, why haven't the boss and Da Chao woken up yet?" Looking at the two people who had not woken up for a long time, everyone began to be anxious.

"Come, everyone take the handle, and move the jade again!" Seeing that his friend Ouyang Xu had been sitting next to Wu Haotian and staring so directly, Chen Dong sighed lightly and mobilized everyone to move the jade again.

"Whew..." With a pair of eyes, Liu Zhichao woke up at eleven and five o'clock.

"Untie people!" Opening his mouth, Ouyang Xu motioned to untie the person.

"Wow, my arm is numb when I tie it." Untying the rope, Liu Zhichao moved his muscles.

"Death Dachao, you finally woke you up and scared Lao Tzu to death!" Hammering Liu Zhichao fiercely, Wang Jun reached out and pulled the person over.

"Wow, it's eleven!" Looking at the perpetual calendar on the wall, Liu Zhichao was also taken aback.

Fortunately, he woke up, otherwise, in another hour, he would be a zombie. Touching his chest, Liu Zhichao was afraid for a while.

"The boss hasn't woken up yet?" Looking at Wu Haotian who was still lying on the ground, Liu Zhichao looked at Wang Jun.

"Hmm!" Nodding, Wang Jun looked sad. There are only fifty-five minutes left, the boss will not, will not really become a monster, right?

Time was still passing minute by minute, and in the blink of an eye, it was already eleven forty-five, but Wu Haotian still showed no sign of waking up.

"Wu Haotian, you give me up, get up!" Grabbing the other party's collar, Ouyang Xu attacked left and right, throwing Wu Haotian more than a dozen big mouths.

Listening to that crackling sound, everyone knew that this mouth must not hit lightly.

But even if he was slapped more than a dozen times, his face was a little puffy. Wu Haotian still hasn't woken up.

How so, is it possible that Wu Haotian is destined to be unable to get rid of the influence of the original book and is destined to be a zombie king?

No, don't, I don't want him to be the zombie king, I don't want him to be the zombie king Wu Haotian!

Staring at the people on the ground, the more Ouyang Xu thought about it, the more afraid he became. Directly pulled the person up and carried it into his arms.

"Haotian, wake up, I'm Xiaoxu. You wake up, you wake up. Didn't you say you want to be with me for the rest of your life? Didn't you say that you are going to marry me? Wake up, wake up! Staring at the man's face, Ouyang Xu cried bitterly.

Why can't it be changed, why can't it be changed, is it that he will become a zombie king if he doesn't go to Pengcheng?

"Xiaoxu!" Looking at his heartbroken son, Qin Fang whispered out in distress. In fact, it is the end of the world, and she doesn't want Wu Haotian to have an accident at this time, but there are some things that are destined by heaven, aren't they?

"Haotian, you wake up, you wake up. Don't be so cruel to me, don't abandon me, don't leave me, Haotian! Shaking the man in his arms, at this moment, Ouyang Xu was eager to wake up the other party.

Looking at the crying Ouyang Xu, the other soldiers also cried, it was their captain. I couldn't imagine that the captain couldn't wake up!

"Ah, Xiaoxu, what are you going to do, don't do something stupid! Don't do something stupid! Seeing his son holding the saber tightly, Qin Fang exclaimed.

"Ouyang, calm down!" Opening his mouth, Chen Dong also hurriedly persuaded.

"Yes, sister-in-law. You calm down, there is still time, there is still time. Opening his mouth, Liu Zhichao and other soldiers also hurriedly persuaded.

"There are only five minutes left, he has to wake up!" Speaking of this, Ouyang Xu gritted his teeth and stabbed towards the man in his arms.

Chapter 53: Space Energy

"Ah..." Seeing this scene, everyone present exclaimed.

"Wu Haotian, wake me up immediately. Otherwise, I will break up with you now. As he spoke, Ouyang Xu pulled out the dagger inserted into the man's shoulder armor, and blood immediately gushed out, splashing Ouyang Xu's face.


Just as Ouyang Xu raised his knife to stab the second one, the brow of the man in his arms frowned. Then, the man slowly opened his eyes.

"Haotian!" Taking off the towel from the man's mouth, Ouyang Xu exclaimed.

"It hurts..." frowning, Wu Haotian cried out in pain. Looking down, his shoulders were already blood-red.

"Quick, go get my medicine box!" Opening his mouth, Ouyang Xu exclaimed.

"Oh!" Nodding, Chen Dong was the first to react and immediately ran to get the medicine box.

"What's wrong, did something happen?" Opening his lover's red and swollen eyes crying, Wu Haotian asked.

"You bastard, look, what time is it?" Angrily cursing the bastard, Ouyang Xu untied the other party.

"Eleven fifty-eight!" Looking at the time on the wall, Wu Haotian was also afraid for a while. If he can't wake up again, I'm afraid he will become a zombie king again!

"Boss, you're finally awake!" Looking at his boss with tears in his eyes, Wang Jun's eyes were red.

"Boss!" Staring at each other, Liu Zhichao also had red eyes.

"Captain!" Wow, the group of iron-clad men in the room cried.

It's too dangerous, it's really dangerous, if there is no sister-in-law's knife, the boss is afraid that he really can't wake up!

"What are people crying when they wake up?" Glaring, Ouyang Xu looked at this group of tearful old men unpleasantly.

"Medicine box!" Opening the medicine box, Chen Dong handed it to Ouyang Xu.

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Previous:The princess has heart disease and has to be spoiled!

Next:After being reborn in the last days, my luck increased

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