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Home > Crossing Rebirth > Cannon fodder for the counterattack of the end times

Cannon Fodder for the Counterattack of the End Times Chapter 44

Author:Hyacinth Label: Cool text Upgrade the flow Crossing rebirth

"Don't worry, boss, you'll be fine. If something really happens to you. We will definitely help you take care of your sister-in-law. Nodding, Liu Zhichao assured.

"Yes, we will help you take care of your sister-in-law!" Nodding, Wang Jun reconsidered. The other soldiers nodded as well.

Hearing Wu Haotian make such an arrangement, Qin Fang glanced at the other party quite satisfied! I have to say that at this moment, she is very grateful for Wu Haotian's arrangement and these words!

"Okay, let's eat. Time is running out! Speaking, Ouyang Xu reminded.

"Come on, come on, eat!" As he spoke, Wang Jun had already picked up a chicken leg.

Looking at Wang Jun, who was gobbling up, everyone laughed.

"Well, it's delicious, who made this dish, it's delicious!" While eating, Wang Jun also praised the chef.

"I did!" After glancing at the other party, Chen Dong spoke in a low voice.

"Okay, boy, you have to be a chef's talent. In the future, you will be the leader of the cooking squad for our special forces brigade! As he spoke, Wang Jun said with a grin.

"Hahaha..." Hearing the appointment of this vice captain Wang, Chen Dong smiled.

I'm afraid he really can't do anything other than take care of logistics and cooking!

After everyone finished eating, they came to this pre-arranged jade hut on the second floor.

In fact, the so-called jade hut is a jade placed on the ground, without any furniture, only an empty room on the floor.

After everyone entered the house, Wu Haotian locked the door of the room.

After everyone entered the house, they each found an open space to lie down, silently waiting for eight o'clock, the moment when everyone fell asleep.

Lying beside his lover, Ouyang Xu took Wu Haotian's hand.

"Sleep!" Gently kissed his lover's face, Wu Haotian signaled the other party to sleep.

"Hmm!" Closing his eyes, Ouyang Xu gently leaned on the man's shoulder.

Looking at his lover on his shoulder, a happy smile hung at the corner of Wu Haotian's mouth.

Two days later, Ouyang Xu was the first of them to wake up.

Opening his eyes and looking at the perpetual calendar on the wall, Ouyang Xu gently raised the corners of his mouth. June 26. It seems that he is an Awakened One! Great, the original owner was an ordinary person in his last life, but he couldn't imagine that he had awakened his powers in this life!

Thinking so, Ouyang Xu sat up, raised his hand, and two small balls the size of quail eggs appeared in his palm.

Looking at the two small balls with a black and a purple in his palm, Ouyang Xu, who was still happy before, suddenly collapsed a face. What kind of powerful power do you think? It turned out to be the space distortion energy and the manipulation power.

Although these two powers will be very powerful after reaching the fifth level. However, the early stage of awakening will be very weak. In other words, if he had the life to live to the fifth level, he would be a very powerful supernatural awakener. If you don't survive, it's no different from ordinary people.

"Ouyang!" After waking up, Chen Dong rubbed his eyes and gently called Ouyang Xu on the side.

"Chen Dong, you're awake. Let me see, what powers have you awakened? As he spoke, Ouyang Xu ran to the other party's side excitedly.

"Psychic, I'm an Awakener?" Looking at his friend, Chen Dong asked incredulously.

"Yes, it's June 26th, 7:26 in the morning!" Saying that, Ouyang Xu pointed to the perpetual calendar on the wall.

"Yes, it's number twenty-six!" Seeing the calendar, Chen Dong was even more delighted.

"Reach out, I'll see what kind of power you are!" As he spoke, Ouyang Xu anxiously urged.

"Hmm!" Nodding, Chen Dong spread out his palm, and a small blue ball rotated in his palm.

"It's a water system power!" As in the original work, Chen Dong awakened the power of the water system.

"Oh!" Nod. Chen Dong said he understood.

"Let's go, let's go downstairs for a meal first!" As he spoke, Ouyang Xu was about to leave.

"However, they..." Looking at the others on the ground who had not yet woken up, Chen Dong was a little reluctant to leave.

"It's okay, turning into a zombie is also a matter after twelve o'clock tonight. It can't change for the time being! "It's only seven o'clock in the morning, so there won't be any problems for the time being."

Hearing Ouyang Xu's words, Chen Dong smiled. "Then let's go eat!"

Chapter 52: Sleepless

At eight o'clock in the evening, looking at the four people on the ground who still hadn't woken up, everyone's mood sank to a low point.

After taking out the rope and towel, Ouyang Xu and Chen Dong tied up the four people who had not woken up. And gagged them with a towel.

"Sister-in-law! The boss won't, won't wake up, right? Looking at Ouyang Xu on the side, Wang Jun asked with a dejected expression.

"Fart, he will definitely wake up." Slapped Wang Jun fiercely, and Ouyang Xu retorted loudly.

Looking at Ouyang Xu's anxious red eyes, Wang Jun gritted his teeth. He knew that this person was more anxious than he was and cared more about the comfort of the boss.

"It's just, they'll wake up!" Nodding, Zhou Xiaohui also said so.

"yes, yes!" Other soldiers also expressed confidence that they would wake up.

"Everyone listen, and concentrate all the jade stones around the four of them, as long as it is less than twelve. They still have a chance to wake up. Opening his mouth, Ouyang Xu gave everyone a reassuring pill.

"Yes, sister-in-law!" Nodding, the big guy immediately went to carry the jade, and placed Wu Haotian, Li Yong, Zhang Fengtian and Liu Zhichao, who had not woken up, side by side, and moved all the jade over and surrounded them tightly.

Time goes by minute by minute. All the people gathered around, quietly guarding the four people.

At nine thirty-five, Li Yong suddenly opened his eyes. "Whew..."

With wide eyes and looking at his comrades, Li Yong found that he had been tied up and his mouth was gagged.

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Previous:The princess has heart disease and has to be spoiled!

Next:After being reborn in the last days, my luck increased

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