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Home > Crossing Rebirth > Cannon fodder for the counterattack of the end times

Cannon Fodder of the Apocalyptic Counterattack Chapter 310

Author:Hyacinth Label: Cool text Upgrade the flow Crossing rebirth

"Hahaha, it's still Uncle Bai who has the most insight." Glancing towards Bai Shen, a confident smile rose on Cissy's small face.

"Aunt Hua, let me down, I'm going to clean up that smelly old man!"

"This..." Hearing this, Hanako hesitated.

"Let him go, Song Chengxin is not Xixi's opponent!" Opening his mouth, Bai Shen motioned for Hanako to let go.

"That's what you said, I'm not responsible for what happened." Glaring at Bai Shen, Hanako placed Cissy in her arms on the ground.

Seeing that Song Chengxin quickly shattered all the earth balls, Wu Chenzhao took three steps forward: "Dead old man, I'll give you one last chance, do you give me an apology?"

"Little bunny, you take your life!" Seeing the murderer who had his own broken arm, he actually dared to shout arrogantly in front of him, Song Chengxin's old face was distorted with anger, and with a move of his hand, ten ice hammers flew towards Wu Chen.

Taking out his whistle from his pocket, Wu Chen blew hard at Song Chengxin on the opposite side. A sound wave immediately flew out towards Song Chengxin.

"Bang bang bang..."

A row of ice picks was shattered one by one by Sisi's sound waves and fell to the ground.

"Poof..." Opening up, Song Chengxin spat out a large mouthful of blood. It was also hurt not lightly by that sound wave.

"Alas, the fifth-level one is slow to kill!" With a sigh, Cissy picked up the whistle in her hand and blew it harder.

This time, there was no ice pick to block it, and a powerful sound wave shot towards Song Chengxin like a roaring torrent.


In an instant, Song Chengxin's head exploded like a ripe watermelon, flesh and bones fell to the ground in pieces, and the brain pulp splashed on the ground.

Song Chengxin's headless body fell to the ground.

"You, you..." Glaring at Song Chengxin's death, Hanako and Jin Duobao are zombies, and my father will definitely be very happy."

"Cissy, what rank are you now?" Opening, Bai Shen, who was driving, asked.

"Oh, Dad said that Cissy is a sixth-level, mid-sixth!"

"That's awesome!" Although Bai Shen is a sixth-level, it is only the early stage of the sixth level, and if he faces an opponent like Shangxixi, I am afraid, he will not be able to parry.

"I can't imagine that the most powerful of the four of us is not Boss Bai, but Xixi!

Looking at the little ancestor sitting in the back seat, Jin Duobao said with a look of envy.

"Yes, I didn't expect this little guy to be so powerful. Is it any wonder that Doctor Ouyang is so relieved to let Xixi come out?

"Actually, Cissy is not very powerful. Cissy couldn't beat her father. Every time she fought with her father, Cissy was always hung in the air by her father. Speaking of which, Cissy was a little depressed.

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