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Home > Crossing Rebirth > Cannon fodder for the counterattack of the end times

Cannon Fodder of the Apocalyptic Counterattack Chapter 256

Author:Hyacinth Label: Cool text Upgrade the flow Crossing rebirth

"Jingcheng has not been peaceful recently, do you want to continue to stay in Jingcheng and protect grandpa, grandma, sister-in-law and uncle?"

"No, can't I go home with my father and my father?" Looking at his parents aggrievedly, the child unconsciously wrinkled a small face.

"Cissy, you have to be obedient. Just two months, wait for two months when Jingcheng is safe, will Dad pick you up again? As he spoke, Ouyang Xu coaxed his son softly.

"Cissy, you are a man, and it is your responsibility to protect your loved ones. You're going to be a brave man, you know?

"Yes, sir!" Hearing Wu Haotian's words, Xixi stood up and gave a military salute to his father.

"Hahaha..." Looking at his son's serious little appearance, Ouyang Xu smiled.

"Cissy, Dad bought this for you. If you encounter a lot of zombies, you blow this. Zombies will die faster and more. As he spoke, Ouyang Xu took out a jade flute and handed it to his son.

This flute was bought by Ouyang Xu in the system mall, and it is a high-grade musical instrument that can transmit Xixi's sound waves farther and faster.

"Well, it's so beautiful, Cissy likes it!" Taking the white jade flute, Cissy couldn't put it down.

It may be because he was born with sonic powers, or it may be because this child was born with a passion for music, so he loves musical instruments very much, especially these instruments that can be played.

"There's a sheet music!" Saying that, Ouyang Xu gave his son another sheet music: "Well, don't worry, dad, I will definitely practice the music well." When she got home, Cissy used this flute to play music for her father!

"Hmm!" Nodding, Ouyang Xu smiled and kissed his son's little face.

"Cissy, listen to your grandparents, you know?" Putting his arm around his son's shoulders, Wu Haotian asked with a serious face.

"Well, Cissy knows!"

"Good!" Rubbing his son's little head, Wu Haotian's face also showed a fatherly smile.

"Father, what is the Ferris wheel? My sister-in-law said that when you were young, the three of you brothers and sisters often went to the playground to play Ferris wheel, carousel, and roller coaster! Looking at her father, Cissy asked curiously.

Hearing his son's question, Ouyang Xu couldn't help but feel a little sad. Because both parents died when he was young, he and his grandmother depended on each other. So the family is poor. There is simply no money to go to the playground. But even so, things like Ferris wheels, carousels and roller coasters Ouyang Xu also knows. But Sisi is different, Sisi is a child born in the last days, and there is no chance to play these things. I don't even know what the Ferris wheel looks like.

"Xixi, don't worry, when you grow up, your father will take you and your father to ride the Ferris wheel together!"

"But Cissy wants to ride the Ferris wheel now!" Looking at her father, Cissy begged softly.

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