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Home > Crossing Rebirth > Cannon fodder for the counterattack of the end times

Cannon Fodder for the Counterattack of the End Times Chapter 301

Author:Hyacinth Label: Cool text Upgrade the flow Crossing rebirth

Walking downstairs, seeing the pair sitting on the sofa, Ouyang Xu smiled.

"Xiao Lou, help me cut the fruit, there will be guests coming in a while!"

"Okay!" Nodding, Mu Xiaolou got up and went to the kitchen.

"Since there are guests coming, do you need me to pick them up?" Opening his mouth, Guan Lei asked Ouyang Xu's opinion.

In the Wu family, cooking rice is the job of Ouyang Xu and Xiao Lou, and watching Xixi is the task of the three of them. Guan Lei, on the other hand, has always played the role of a good driver. Sometimes Ouyang Xu will let him drive when he goes out, and sometimes, the commanders of other bases will come over and let Guan Lei pick him up.

"No need, send it over at the city gate!"

"Oh!" Nodding, Guan Lei didn't say much.

Twenty minutes later, the guest was delivered to Ouyang Xu's door by a jeep from the outer city: "Commander Song, Song Shao, the two foreign countries are coming, and they are not welcome!" Greeting the person with a smile, Ouyang Xu said politely.

"Hahaha, Doctor Ouyang is so polite!" Waving his hand, Song Chengxin hurriedly greeted the host with a smile.

"Doctor Ouyang Jun is good!" Smiling, Song Chengxin's son Song Fei also hurriedly greeted the owner.

"Two of you, please!" Smiling, Ouyang Xu let people into his yard to follow Ouyang Xu, and the father and son had just entered the gate of Ouyang Xu's house, and they saw several people who were playing with Xixi in the courtyard.

"Guan Lei???" Glaring, looking at Guan Lei, who was standing among several people, Song Fei exclaimed.

Hearing his voice, Song Chengxin also stopped and looked at Guan Lei, who was standing on the side, and Mu Xiaolou, who was next to Guan Lei.

Looking at the father and son of the Song family standing in the courtyard, staring at Guan Lei in a daze, Ouyang Xu raised his eyebrows slightly.

Seeing that the guest Ouyang Xu wanted to see was the father and son of the Song family, Guan Lei was also surprised.

He had fantasized about meeting again many times, but such a reunion still made Guan Lei a little unexpected.

"Commander Song, we..." As he spoke, before Ouyang Xu's words were finished, he heard Song Fei shout.

"Zombies, there are zombies here, catch him, catch him!" Pointing to Guan Lei, who was standing not far away, Song Fei shouted loudly.

"Doctor Ouyang!" Hearing Seinfeld's shout, the awakening army guarding outside the villa door immediately rushed into the gate of the villa.

"It's okay, Song Shao is just making a little joke with you!" Seeing the dozen or so Awakening Troops surging in, Ouyang Xu waved his hand at them with a smile.

"Yes!" In response, the Awakening Army glared at Song Fei resentfully, and left one after another, "Doctor Ouyang, he, he is..."

"I'm sorry Young Master Song, I don't have zombies here, only supernatural awakeners." With a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, Ouyang Xu said calmly.

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