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Home > Crossing Rebirth > Cannon fodder for the counterattack of the end times

Cannon Fodder of the Apocalyptic Counterattack Chapter 346

Author:Hyacinth Label: Cool text Upgrade the flow Crossing rebirth

"Why? Everyone is a man, what are you afraid of? With a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, Ouyang Xu said disapprovingly.

Looking down, Wu Haotian picked up someone's pajamas and stuffed them into the other party's arms.

"I'm gay, please pay attention."

"Gay? Such a coincidence, I am also eh! Smiling, Ouyang Xu winked at the man.

"You?" Receiving this answer, Wu Haotian couldn't help but be a little shocked.

"Hehe, I'm going to take a bath!" With a smile, Ouyang Xu put his dressing gown on the bed and walked into the bathroom.

Twenty minutes later, Ouyang Xu Chiguo came out of the bathroom, generously picked up the pajamas on the bed, and put them on his body.

"I washed it, thank you!" With a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, Ouyang Xu thanked the man sitting on the side.

"There's something I'm curious about!"

"What?" Hearing the man's words, Ouyang Xu raised his eyebrows slightly.

"I just went to your room, and the water pipe in your bathroom is not broken at all."

Staring at him, Wu Haotian spoke coldly.

The lie was exposed, and Ouyang Xu smiled and did not feel embarrassed. "So what? Are you going to answer me for sin?

"What is your purpose in deliberately running into my room?"

Hearing this, Ouyang Xu approached the man on the chair with a smile. Raising his hand, Ouyang Xu lifted the man's chin and looked into the man's dark eyes as night. "If I say, I fancy you. Do you believe it?

Hearing this, Wu Haotian's facial nerves and muscles tightened for a while. His eyes became deeper.

"Hehehe..." Feeling the obvious change in the man, Ouyang Xu smiled.

"Don't worry, I won't use force against you. Let's come to Japan! Letting go of his hand, Ouyang Xu turned and left.

Sitting on the chair, stupidly looking at the back of the other party leaving, Wu Haotian couldn't come back to his senses for a long time.

The next day, nine o'clock in the morning.

At this point in time, Wu Zhenguo and Qin Fang had already gone to work, so Wu Haotian and Ouyang Xu were left on the breakfast table.

Lowering his head, Ouyang Xu ate his breakfast intently, while Wu Haotian, who was sitting opposite, peeked at the other party from time to time, appearing a little absent-minded.

"Am I good-looking?" Catching the man's peeping eyes, Ouyang Xu looked over with a smile.

"Ugh!" Voyeur was caught, Wu Haotian looked a little uncomfortable.

"For a meal, you looked at me a dozen times. Do you think I look too beautiful. Like me? Staring at the man, Ouyang Xu asked with a smile.

"Don't think too much, it's just the two of us here."

Hearing Wu Haotian's explanation, Ouyang Xu couldn't help but frown. "Oh, is it because only the two of us, who have no choice, will look at me?"

"..." lowered his head, staggered the other party's eager gaze, Wu Haotian did not answer, "I want to go out to play later, do you want to go together?" Opening, Ouyang Xu asked, "I...," I promised my godfather and godmother that they would take care of you. So, you have no right to object.

Hearing Ouyang Xu's domineering remarks, Wu Haotian frowned.

"Go out for a walk! How boring it is to be at home alone!

Looking at the man who threw his wink at him, Wu Haotian nodded his head ghostly.


"Hey, hey, hey..." Receiving Wu Haotian's promise, Ouyang Xule blossomed.

After the meal, Wu Haotian drove a military jeep and left Wu's house with Ouyang Xu.

"Where are you going?" Turning his head sideways, Wu Haotian asked Ouyang Xu beside him.

"Let's go to the shooting range! I haven't practiced guns for a long time! Let's go play real combat!

Getting such an answer, Wu Haotian couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, if it weren't for Ouyang Xu himself, he would never have thought that a doctor would actually say to go to the shooting range to practice guns.

"What's that look on your face? Do you think that my hands with scalpels have never touched a gun?

In the last days, Ouyang Xu's marksmanship was a hundred, and he was not lost to Wu Haotian in the slightest?

"Okay, go to the shooting range!" Since the other party wants to go, let him see the other party's marksmanship.

Coming to the shooting range, Ouyang Xu paid the money and received two camouflage uniforms and two submachine guns that played marbles. After getting dressed, the two people walked into the simulated battlefield, turned their heads sideways, and looked at the person walking beside him, wearing camouflage uniforms and carrying submachine guns, Wu Haotian raised his eyebrows.

"Touch...,' Ouyang Xu pulled the trigger to solve it, and a moving humanoid target appeared beside Wu Haotian.

"Hey, be serious. We had ketchup packs on us. The tomato juice is beaten out and we lose. If you lose, you have to quit. My renminbi was spent in vain.

Opening his mouth, Ouyang Xu said unpleasantly.

"Hmm!" Nodding, Wu Haotian answered, and then, with a turn of his wrist, he slammed a shot at a shooting enthusiast hiding behind a rock.

"Hey, don't fight, I'll surrender!" Seeing that the other party had burst his ketchup bag, he was actually holding a gun, pointing at himself, the shooting enthusiast, hurriedly raised his hand to surrender, although the marbles could not kill people, but it still hurt to hit the body.

"Not bad? Won a life! "If you burst someone else's ketchup bag, you can add a life.

Receiving Ouyang Xu's praise, Wu Haotian hooked the corner of his mouth and followed the other party to continue walking.

Chapter 241: Formal Love (2 more)

The two men walked a little further and came to the abandoned barn. "Be careful, there are a lot of people here!"

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Previous:The princess has heart disease and has to be spoiled!

Next:After being reborn in the last days, my luck increased

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