period (last part)

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Next Morning

Taehyung groan in sleep and wake up instantly when he feel wave of Cramp in his tummy. He wake up from bed and saw there is some blood Stains on bed. So he quickly change the bed Sheet and goes to bathroom. He wash the bedsheet neatly and complete his morning routine in 30 minutes.
After he came out from bathroom wearing oversized sweater with black Trouser. He came downstairs and start making breakfast for his husband.

At 8:30am

Jungkook came downstairs and saw taehyung already arranged the breakfast in table and he is doing something in  kitchen. So he silently sit on chair and start eating breakfast. After some minutes taehyung came and saw jungkook is already doing his breakfast. He didn't said anything and silently go on dinning room and sit on couch.

Here jungkook is waiting for his wife. He saw taehyung is coming from kitchen, so he thought taehyung is going to greet him but he didn't greet him and directly goes towards dinning room. It's strange for him.
He silently finish his breakfast and wash his hands .after that he goes towards dinning room and saw taehyung is silently sitting on couch and his mood is not seems good .
Jungkook cleared his throat and say
" I am going to office " .Taehyung just stare at his husband and go to kitchen and came back with jungkook's lunch box. He gave the lunch box to jungkook. Jungkook silently take it and stare at taehyung for some time hoping that maybe his wife is going to say something. Taehyung notice jungkook is still standing here and Here so he ask in slight angry tone
"what?  Why are you standing here? You don't want to go to office. Huhh..."

Jungkook eyes slightly get wide after hearing Taehyung's  scolding. He hurriedly came out from mansion and enter in his car and drive towards his office. He noticed that his wife is not saying goodbye to him as usual day.

(Note : whenever taehyung is on his period. He is so much moody and grumpy. His mood swings are always high. It's change in minutes.
Sometimes he is angry after he became happy then he suddenly become sensitive and start crying.
Hope you guys understand)

Jungkook is sitting in his office and thinking about his wife's behavior. He can't concentrate on his work today. He is thinking that why his wife is in bad mood.  Did I make some mistakes? Or did taehyung is quiteing over me,because of my cold behavior.
No, I can't let him go I love him so much . He(tahyung) always greet me cheerfully in morning and always bid goodbye to me Whenever I came for office, but today nor he greet me and not he bid goodbye to me. No I am gonna confess to my wife today .
It's OK if he not feel same but today I am not gonna back up . Yes I am going home early today and going to tell him my feelings.

At 8:30am
Jungkook press the bell and wait for sometimes, But taehyung didn't came. So he twist the door knob and enter in house and saw taehyung is not present in dinning room."maybe he is in room " jungkook mumbles and directly goes towards their room and enter in room with flowers and chocolates.

Actually he buy Them when he is coming from office.

Soon he heard some sobs from duvet and saw taehyung is curling in ball and silently crying. It's breaks jungkook's heart.

He instantly approach taehyung and saw his wife is still closing his eyes and clutching on duvet. He hug taehyung and make him sit on lap and start crasseing his back and ask in cracked tone "what happened baby? Why are you crying tell me? Tell to your hubby. Hmm tell me wifey"

Taehyung slightly open his eyes after hearing his husband's voice and said in crying tone " I-t's hu-rts " After completing his words he again start crying in his husband's safe Embrace.

"where is hurting baby tell me? No let's go to hospital "jungkook say in worried tone. He is panicking so much after watching his wife's continues crying.

"no I do..n't wa..nt to go to hosp..ital. My is hurting. " taehyung replied instantly when he saw his husband is panicking.

"why your tummy is hurting? Did you ate something? " jungkook ask.

Taehyung became silent and hung his head down and start fighting with his fingers. He is feeling shy to tell jungkook that he is on his periods. But after watching jungkook's face who is waiting for answer. He encourage Himself and decide to tell jungkook.

" I a..m on m.y per..iods hubby " After completing his sentence taehyung became shy and hide his face in his husband's chest.

After hearing his wife's Word he became jungshook .that's means whatever he is thinking is not true. His wife is not going to leave him, and the changing behavior of his wife in morning is his period mood swings. He Sigh in relief  and ask to his wife
" why didn't you tell me before?  You Know how much I became  worried after watching you in this condition . I thought I am gonna lose you."

"why you became this much worried?
It's not like you love me like do "  taehyung said with cute pout. He is still hiding his face in his husband's chest.

"You don't know how much I love you. I love you so much jeon taehyung my dear wifey. I love you so so so much. You are my whole world baby. Without you I even can't imagine my life. Did you hear it I love you so fucking much and you are mine only mine. " he said in fully possessive tone. He sincerely confess to his wife.

After hearing his husband's confession taehyung start Snifffing. Happy tears streaming down from his eyes. he look towards his husband and saw how his husband is looking at him with pure adoration .
"I love you too hubby. Your wifey loves you so much. My handsome hubby and I am always yours . "
After completing his sentence taehyung smash his lips to his husband's lips. They are kissing slowly and passionately. There is no lust no tounge.  just pure love they are pouring in kiss. After some minutes they break the kiss. He again kiss his wife's forehead and help him to lay down on Bed in comfortable position.
After he changed his dress goes to kitchen for making hot soup for his wife. After some time he came in to room and help taehyung to drink soup. He give him a pain killer and a glass of water .taehyung gulp down the tablet and thanks jungkook for taking care of him.

Jungkook kept the dishes on night stand and lay down on bed and hug  Taehyung .he turn Taehyung's face towards him and now Taehyung's face is hiding in his husband's chest.
Jungkook start rubbing Taehyung's tummy to less the pain. And it's work after receiving his husband's warm embrace taehyung instantly fall asleep. Jungkook kiss taehyung forehead and say "I love you my love .my dear beautiful wifey". Taehyung also Mumble in his sleep "love you too hubby ". After that they fall asleep in each others embrace.

Life goes on  now everything is perfect between them. Now they are more happy in there life. Jungkook never leave a chance to show his love towards his wifey . He also shower taehyung from from lots of gifts ,kisses, hugs and many more.

The end

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