6| 𝑴𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑬𝒏𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔

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I groaned in dismay as the shrill sound of my alarm clock shattered the serene cocoon of sleep I had been comfortably nestled in

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I groaned in dismay as the shrill sound of my alarm clock shattered the serene cocoon of sleep I had been comfortably nestled in. A surge of reluctance coursed through me, accompanied by the resolute thought that it simply couldn't be the day I had been dreading.

My arm moved on autopilot, silencing the alarm. I desperately yanked the covers over my head, as if that would somehow delay the inevitable. I couldn't muster the energy to move, not on the day Jungkook was scheduled to come and stay at our house.

"Why does the universe conspire against me?" I muttered under my breath, a sigh escaping my lips. With great effort, I reluctantly threw off the covers and forced myself out of bed, reminding myself that I could indulge in a leisurely shower later. First, the matter of breakfast loomed.

Dragging my feet downstairs, I couldn't help but overhear my mother's voice as I approached the kitchen. My dad had already left for work, so I wondered who she was talking to. Curiosity piqued, I entered the kitchen, and there, much to my chagrin, sat Jungkook.

Jungkook, of all people, was already here, sipping coffee and engaged in a lively conversation with my mother. The clock on the wall told me it was an ungodly 6:30 am. Why on earth did he need to be here at such an ungodly hour?

"Why are you here at 6 am, Asshole?" I muttered, my annoyance palpable. "Are you here to ruin my morning?"

"Good morning to you too, Moy Voin," he chuckled, his eyes briefly flicking over me as he spoke. I couldn't help but regret my choice of attire - just a pair of shorts and a strappy tee.

"Shut up," I groaned, grabbing a coffee and ignoring him as I reached for a banana and yogurt in the fridge. Reluctantly, I joined them at the breakfast bar but made no effort to acknowledge Jungkook's presence.

"Did you sleep alright, sweetie?" my mother inquired, trying to maintain some semblance of peace.

"Yeah, not bad, thanks," I replied, mustering a polite smile.

"Good. Well, I need to get myself ready and wake Nari up. Please, try not to kill Jungkook while I'm gone, okay?" she laughed as she made her escape.

"I can't make any promises," I quipped, rolling my eyes. I couldn't help but resent the fact that they got along so well; it only made my life more complicated. Once my mother was out of earshot, Jungkook turned to me, a smug smirk playing on his lips.

"You look good in those shorts," he complimented.

"Jungkook, go and fuck yourself, okay?" I snapped. "Seriously, why are you here at this ungodly hour?"

"Because your Umma had to leave early for her flight," he replied casually.

I couldn't fathom why he needed to come here and stay. Surely his mother could have found someone else, or better yet, he could have stayed home alone. But then again, leaving Jungkook home alone was a recipe for disaster; he'd probably trash the place.

"How's your Halmeoni? Is she okay?" I inquired, my tone softening slightly. Yes, I despised Jungkook, but I had a soft spot for his Umma and Halmeoni.

"She'll be fine," he replied. "She had surgery, so she needs some rest for the next couple of weeks."

"Yeah, I heard. Umma told me. At least she'll be okay," I said, offering a small smile.

"Yeah," he nodded, returning the smile. I turned my attention back to my breakfast, but I couldn't shake the feeling of his gaze on me. It was unnerving, to say the least. He really needed to get his hormones in check before I ended up slapping him. I resolutely ignored his stares.

"Can I catch a ride to school with you? My bike's in the garage until tomorrow," he asked.

"Walk," I replied tersely.

"Oh, come on now, don't be like that, Moy Voin," he cajoled. "I'm just asking for a lift, nothing else."

"Fine! But if you say one wrong thing or annoy me, I won't hesitate to kick you out. Do you understand?" I warned firmly.

"I promise to behave," he said, flashing his trademark bunny smile. That smile seemed to work on everyone except me; I saw through it all too well. I finished my breakfast, hurriedly went upstairs to get ready, and took a quick shower.

 I slipped into a pair of jeans, a crop top, and a baggy jacket, completing the look with matching Vans. I usually took my time with makeup, but this morning, mascara and lip gloss would have to suffice. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and headed back downstairs.

 Nari was getting ready to leave for school.

"Aesira!" she exclaimed with excitement when she saw me.

"Hey, Princess. Are you ready for school?" I asked, a warm smile on my face.

"Yes!" she replied, her eyes gleaming with enthusiasm. Nari loved school and was undeniably smart for her age, a trait she inherited from Umma. Appa was no slouch either, but he didn't quite reach the same level as Umma in terms of intelligence. I took after Appa in that regard.

"Well, enjoy, and I'll see you later, okay?" I said, crouching down to her level and ruffling her hair.

"Jungkook said we could all color later. Can we?" she asked, her eyes wide with hope.

He did? Since when did Jungkook show any interest in kids? He better not go back on his word, or I would bury him six feet under.

"Sure thing," I assured her, planting a kiss on her cheek. I bid Nari and my mother goodbye, and Jungkook and I prepared to leave as well because I had no intention of being late for school. Jungkook entered the hallway where I was waiting.

"I'm leaving, so if you're not ready, be prepared to walk," I warned."I'm ready to go," he replied.Damn it! I had secretly hoped he wasn't, so he'd have to walk. That would have truly made my day.

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