38| 𝑹𝒊𝒔𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑺𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒆, 𝑼𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒌𝒇𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝑺𝒖𝒏

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"Acey, Jungkook," the familiar voice cut through the veil of sleep, stirring me from my slumber

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"Acey, Jungkook," the familiar voice cut through the veil of sleep, stirring me from my slumber. I felt a slight vibration beneath me, as if someone were bouncing on the bed. With a groan, I reluctantly pried my heavy eyelids open, greeted by the sight of Nari, her infectious energy practically radiating off her as she bounced up and down on the mattress.

"Nari, what on earth are you doing?" I managed to muster a chuckle despite my drowsiness.

"Breakfast is ready, sleepyhead! Time to rise and shine," she chimed with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, her laughter dancing through the air.

"Nari, go away," Aesira's laughter joined mine, though there was a playful edge to her tone.

"No," Nari retorted with playful stubbornness, her voice holding a hint of defiance as she plopped herself down between us, her presence undeniable.

Aesira and I exchanged amused glances, shaking our heads in mock exasperation as we surrendered to the inevitable. With synchronized movements, we sat up, joining Nari in her impromptu morning gathering. Nari beamed at us, her smile a beacon of warmth and camaraderie that bridged the gap between us.

"What's for breakfast?" I inquired, my curiosity piqued by Nari's infectious enthusiasm.

"Pancakes!" she exclaimed with genuine excitement, her eyes alight with anticipation. "So come on, stop being lazy," she urged, her playful tone tinged with a hint of impatience.

I reached for my phone, reluctantly checking the time. It wasn't even eight a.m. yet, and the thought of rising from the warmth of my bed felt like a monumental task.

"It's too early for breakfast," I protested, mustering a mock pout in Nari's direction.

"No, it's not! Hurry up," she insisted, her tone taking on a hint of sternness as she nudged me toward action.

Nari's assertive demeanor certainly mirrored Aesira's, evoking memories of our own youthful antics. As Nari descended from the bed, she assumed a stance that seemed eerily familiar, with one hand planted firmly on her hip and the other tapping impatiently against her leg.

"We're coming, little miss bossy," Aesira teased, her laughter echoing through the room as she affectionately acknowledged Nari's determined nature.

"She definitely gets that from you," I quipped, shooting Aesira a playful glance as I noted the striking resemblance between mother and daughter.

Aesira playfully flipped me off, her laughter filling the room before she finally dragged herself out of bed. I followed suit, not wanting to incur Nari's wrath once more. Together, the three of us made our way downstairs, joining the rest of our companions who had gathered outside to enjoy breakfast together.

"Aesira and Jungkook are friends again," Nari declared with a bright smile, her innocence shining through in her simple observation.

I couldn't help but wonder how she had come to that conclusion. Sure, she had found us sharing the same bed, but I doubted she fully grasped the significance of our reconciliation. Then again, perhaps she was more perceptive than I gave her credit for. I've never been good with kids, so understanding their thought processes always remained a mystery to me.

Nari's innocent revelation elicited a collective shift in attention, all eyes turning towards us as she giggled with childish amusement.
"They were cuddling," Nari continued, her laughter bubbling over, "In Aesira's bed," she added, oblivious to the sudden tension that hung in the air.

As the weight of her words settled over us, I felt a knot form in the pit of my stomach. Aesira's dad fixed me with a stern gaze, his expression conveying a silent warning. Panic surged within me. This was different from our childhood antics; now, as teenagers, the implications were far more serious, especially considering the raging hormones that often clouded judgment.

"Dad, there's no need to try to kill Jungkook with your eyes," Aesira interjected, her voice laced with a hint of defensiveness. "We watched a movie and fell asleep, that was all," she asserted, her tone firm and resolute.
"That better be the truth," her dad replied, his gaze still fixed on me.

"It was. I promise," I reassured him, hoping to alleviate any lingering doubts.

After a tense moment of scrutiny, Aesira's dad finally nodded in acceptance. With a collective exhale of relief, the three of us joined the others at the breakfast table, where a tempting spread awaited us: a towering stack of pancakes, a plate piled high with crispy bacon, a bowl brimming with fresh fruit, and, of course, steaming pots of coffee and pitchers of fruit juice.
"So, are you two friends again?" My Grandma's gentle inquiry cut through the chatter as she fixed us with a warm gaze.

"We're working on it," I replied with a smile, feeling hopeful that our recent reconciliation was just the beginning of rebuilding our friendship.

Aesira nodded in agreement before eagerly digging into her breakfast, setting the example for the rest of us to follow suit.

"What do you kids have planned for today?" my mum inquired, her gaze shifting between us with curiosity.

"We're going to the hardware store to get supplies to rebuild Grandpa's tree swing because it's seen better days," I explained, outlining our first task of the day.

"Then, we're planning to take Nari down to the lake for a picnic, if that's alright?" Aesira added, directing her question to her parents.

"YAY! Picnic!" Nari exclaimed, her excitement palpable as she bounced up and down on her seat.
"Of course it is, sweetie," Aesira's mum replied with a warm smile, giving her approval.
"You two used to love it down there," Grandma interjected, reminiscing on past memories.
"Yes, it was one of my most favorite places in the entire world," Aesira gushed, her eyes lighting up with nostalgia. "It'll be good to go down there again," she added, anticipation evident in her voice.

"Yes, I've missed that place too," I admitted, a pang of longing tugging at my heartstrings. While I had visited the area a few times since Aesira's last visit, I hadn't ventured down to the lake. It just didn't feel right without her by my side. The lake had always been our special spot, a sanctuary where we could escape the world and be ourselves.

"I mentioned to your mum that this would be a good place for you two to try and sort things out," Grandma remarked, her smile carrying a hint of wisdom.

And perhaps she was onto something. Maybe returning to our cherished spot would provide the perfect backdrop for us to mend our friendship. I couldn't help but hope that everything would be alright between us once we returned home and resumed our normal routines.With breakfast concluded, Aesira and I took charge of cleaning up before heading off to get ready for the day's activities. We planned to return for Nari once we had tackled the task of fixing the swing—a project that held the promise of both nostalgia and the opportunity for reconciliation.

ʚ・ ୨୧・ ɞ

Author's Note:

Greetings, dear readers! 🌟

It warms my heart to reconnect with all of you once again. I'm thrilled to present these fresh episodes and I sincerely hope they captivate your imagination. If you find yourself enchanted by the tales, do consider casting your vote! As for the enduring saga of Aesira and Jungkook's sweet moments, well, let's just say their charm knows no bounds! 😄

Now, during our hiatus, how has everyone been faring?

( I apologize for the super cringey title.)
ʚ・ ୨୧・ ɞ

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