14| 𝑯𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑷𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔

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Halfway through the first-class, as the soft hum of learning filled the room, the door creaked open, and in walked Jungkook, a disheveled vision of untimely arrival

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Halfway through the first-class, as the soft hum of learning filled the room, the door creaked open, and in walked Jungkook, a disheveled vision of untimely arrival. Rainwater dripped from his soaked clothes onto the linoleum floor.

 I couldn't help but wonder if he had searched in vain for an alternative lift to school or if he had even considered taking the bus. Our eyes met, and an intense glare from him pierced through me. I attempted to stifle a laugh, but my futile efforts gave way, and laughter erupted from my lips.

"Late again, Jungkook?" Mr. Bangsuk inquired, his tone laced with exasperation.

"It wasn't my fault this time, Sir. My ride deserted me, so I had to walk," Jungkook replied, his voice tinged with defiance.

"I'm growing weary of your excuses, Mr. Jeon. Please, find your seat," Mr. Bangsuk sighed, his patience wearing thin.

With a dramatic eye roll, Jungkook complied and scoured the classroom for an available desk. As he passed by me, his glare intensified. In response, I offered a smug grin and an unconcerned shrug. Was he expecting an apology? That was simply not on the horizon, and the realm of impossibility stretched far and wide.

Mr. Bangsuk resumed teaching, delving into the intricacies of geography—a subject I couldn't find any enthusiasm for. I half-listened to Mr. Bangsuk's lecture when I felt a faint vibration in my pocket. Stealthily, I retrieved my phone and placed it on my lap beneath the desk to glimpse at the sender's name. It was Jungkook!

Asshole: I'll get you back for this. Good luck getting home with a flat tire, gorgeous.

My eyes widened in realization; he had tampered with one of my car tires. The audacity! However, I was well-prepared for such antics, as I kept spare tires in my trunk. The joke was, undoubtedly, on him. Swiftly, I typed out a retort.

Me: You have no one to blame but yourself. I have spare tires; changing it won't be a problem.

I could almost envision the smug expression on his face fading as he read my response.

Asshole: Watch yourself, gorgeous.

"Watch my back?" I mused inwardly. He could scheme all he wanted, but I was fully prepared to outwit and outplay him at his own game. I wouldn't dignify his message with a reply and stashed my phone away, determined not to waste any more time on his antics.

I fervently hoped he had secured an alternative ride home because, after this incident, the prospect of him hitching a ride from me seemed as unlikely as a Monday without its blues. I figured he could undoubtedly find some other benevolent soul to ferry him on this particular weekday.

The thought of the upcoming weekend's party buoyed my spirits. I craved the excitement and escapism it promised, especially after the tumultuous start to the week. The only shadow looming over this anticipated event was the looming presence of Jeon Jungkook. He would likely immerse himself in reckless indulgence—intoxication, substances, and who knew what kind of liaisons. I was determined not to allow him to taint this celebration for me.

I pushed aside thoughts of Jungkook and focused on the brighter prospects of the day, hoping that time would pass swiftly, carrying me closer to the much-awaited party.

The remainder of the class dragged on, with Jungkook's occasional glares and Mr. Bangsuk's monotonous lecture becoming nothing more than background noise. I couldn't deny that his presence added an unexpected layer of excitement to an otherwise mundane school day.As the bell finally rang, signaling the end of first class, I gathered my belongings and headed out into the hallway. I had just reached my locker when Jungkook appeared at my side, his expression surprisingly subdued.

"Hey," he said, his voice surprisingly calm. "About the whole tire thing... I didn't actually tamper with it. I was just messing with you."

I raised an eyebrow, skeptical of his sudden change in demeanor. "Really? Because I have spare tires, you know. It wouldn't have been a big deal."

He scratched the back of his head, looking sheepish. "Yeah, I figured you might. I just wanted to get a rise out of you, but I didn't want to actually cause any trouble."

I couldn't help but be taken aback by his unexpected honesty. It was the first time I had seen a more vulnerable side of Jungkook, one that didn't involve his usual bravado and pranks.

"Okay," I replied, deciding to let bygones be bygones.

 "Truce?"He smiled, and it was a genuine, unguarded smile that took me by surprise.

 " Yeah right" I rolled my eyes, his smile dropped . With that, we went our separate ways, and I couldn't help but wonder if there was more to Jungkook than met the eye. Maybe beneath the tough exterior and the reputation as the school's resident troublemaker, there was a person who could surprise me in more ways than one. As the day continued, I found myself looking forward to the weekend's party even more. Perhaps Jungkook's presence wouldn't be such a dark cloud after all. Maybe, just maybe, we could coexist without constant rivalry. 

But one thing was for sure—I was going to keep my spare tires well-hidden, just in case. After all, you never really knew what Jungkook might come up with next.

 After all, you never really knew what Jungkook might come up with next

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