10| 𝑵𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑶𝒖𝒕

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My parents and Nari, both retired to their respective beds, leaving the house shrouded in a serene stillness

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My parents and Nari, both retired to their respective beds, leaving the house shrouded in a serene stillness. Meanwhile, Jungkook, my enigmatic stepbrother, remained ensconced in his room, indulging in who knows what activity.

 For my part, I reveled in having the living room entirely to myself. Although there was a TV in my room, I had an inexplicable preference for the living room's ambiance. 

I had ensconced myself on the plush sofa, cocooned in a cozy blanket, with the fireplace casting a gentle, flickering glow and the room cloaked in soothing darkness. It was a setting I found incredibly relaxing, and to complete the picture, a substantial bowl of buttery popcorn rested conveniently at my side.As I settled into my private sanctuary, a familiar voice sliced through the quietude, instantly drawing my attention.

 It was Jungkook's unmistakable voice, and it had an irksome quality to it that seemed to foreshadow an unwelcome intrusion.

" How I spend my time is none of your concern," I retorted coolly, rolling my eyes in exasperation. I stubbornly refused to make eye contact, hoping that my dismissive response would be enough to dissuade him from lingering. 

However, Jungkook proved to be more persistent than I had hoped. He strolled over to the sofa and unceremoniously claimed a spot beside me.

"Can you not stop being a pain in the ass for just two damn seconds?" he snapped, clearly perturbed by my presence. I finally turned to face him, unable to avoid the confrontation any longer. 

"What do you want?" I inquired with a mixture of curiosity and irritation.

"I'm heading out for a bit. Wanna come with? Just meeting some people at the diner," he proposed, his demeanor softening slightly. "Irene and Jennie are going to be there."

I knew Irene and Jennie had plans to go out tonight; they had mentioned it earlier. They were the social butterflies of our group, effortlessly befriending even Jungkook and his friends, despite not frequently hanging out with them. Jennie had an on-and-off thing with Taehyung, a connection that had persisted for the past six months or so.

Glancing at the clock, I noted that it wasn't even ten yet. My parents usually retired early to tend to their work, and I dared not contemplate what else. My weekday curfew was set at midnight, while weekends granted me the luxury of staying out until one.

 My parents' trust in my judgment spared me from stringent rules, as long as I remained safe and stayed out of trouble.

"Sure, why not, but solely because my girls will be there, no other reason," I reluctantly agreed, making sure Jungkook understood that spending time with him was not my priority. He shrugged indifferently. 

"I only asked so I could catch a ride," he admitted, his nonchalant demeanor reaffirming our rather tenuous rapport.

"Give me a few minutes to change," I replied, rising from the sofa with a groan. My heart raced as I contemplated the upcoming social interaction. 

Truth be told, I wasn't particularly eager to go out with them, but I couldn't let Jungkook think otherwise. I hurriedly swapped my current attire for a more comfortable ensemble—leggings and a stylish crop top, completed by my trusty boots. Snatching my phone from my room, I headed outside to find Jungkook, who was leaning against my car, puffing on what appeared to be a joint.

"Get rid of that before you get in my car," I firmly instructed, my disapproval evident in my tone. While I had no qualms about enjoying a drink, I had a steadfast aversion to drugs of any kind. It simply wasn't my scene.

He smirked at my response. "You want a drag?" he inquired teasingly.

"No, either toss that away or be prepared to walk to the diner," I insisted, unwilling to compromise on my stance.

With one final drag, he discarded the joint on the ground and extinguished it beneath his boot. We settled into the car, and I took the wheel. The diner wasn't far from our house, so the journey was brief.

"Have you made up your mind about the party this weekend?" Jungkook inquired as we drove, his curiosity piqued.

"I think I'll go," I answered, contemplating my final year of high school before stepping into the real world. Seizing the opportunity for memorable experiences seemed only fitting.

"Awesome. I like it when you let loose and have a good time," he remarked, a mischievous glint in his eye. I laughed but kept my intentions vague. While I certainly had a wild side, it only surfaced on occasion, not as a constant state of being."

You won't even try to deny it," he chuckled, challenging me playfully."We'll see," I replied with a noncommittal shrug, unwilling to divulge my party plans just yet. 

Upon arriving at the diner, we joined the rest of the group. Their collective surprise at my arrival was palpable, given my unexpected companion. Nevertheless, I slid in next to my girls with a knowing smile.

"Don't look so shocked," I teased, settling into my seat. Jungkook took his place across from us, surrounded by his friends. We swiftly caught the waiter's attention, placing our orders—simple fare like coffee, fries, and milkshakes.

"Are you coming to the party this weekend?" Taeyhung inquired, turning to me with a hopeful grin. 

"Yeah, I'm planning on it," I confirmed, sharing in his enthusiasm.

"Great! Parties are always more fun when you're there," he remarked, his eyes twinkling with excitement.

I couldn't help but smirk. Injecting a dose of liveliness into gatherings was something of a specialty of mine. I was typically the first to hit the dance floor, suggest entertaining games, and ensure everyone felt involved. In essence, I was a bona fide party animal.

"Hell yeah," I responded with a wink, embracing my reputation.

"So, what are the plans for the rest of the night?" Irene inquired, redirecting the conversation. Jungkook jumped in with an enticing suggestion.

 "We could head down to the woods, get a little high, blast some music, and maybe stir up some trouble."

The woods had always been a favored hangout spot, along with an abandoned warehouse near the beach. Both locales served as the backdrop for various adventures. Although I was willing to join the group for a couple of hours, I had no intention of partaking in any illicit activities or getting into trouble. That was a role reserved for everyone else, not me.

The group readily agreed to Jungkook's plan, and I silently resolved to keep my distance after a brief visit. The guys were known for defying their parents' rules, and Irene's busy parents and Jennie's status as an only child meant they often enjoyed a certain level of leniency.

As the night wore on, I braced myself for the ensuing adventure, determined to strike a balance between socializing with my friends and maintaining my personal boundaries.

As the night wore on, I braced myself for the ensuing adventure, determined to strike a balance between socializing with my friends and maintaining my personal boundaries

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