Chapter 20

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Lily's POV

When I was growing up I had one best friend, my sister Marina. I was told that we were Irish twins, me being 11 months older than her but to be honest I have my doubts. First of all, she looks nothing like anyone in my family. If we were related in any kind of way wouldn't we have some resemblance? Second, with every pregnancy my mom had a scrap book full of photos .My mom is not the low key subtle type of mom. She documented everything. We have maternity photos, baby photos, videos of our first step and essentially every other milestone from the moment we were born. We even have videos of us all being born that my mom likes to use to threaten us into doing what she wants. There are none of Marina. Lastly, family wouldn't treat family the way we have treated Marina. I was waited on hand and foot with enough love to spare; while, my 'sister' did the waiting looking for a tip of the love I had. I was Daddy's little princes and had protective big brothers to look after me but shouldn't she had have the same? Maybe even more? She is was the youngest after all. I tried to share but 'Good little girls do as they are told...or else' at least that's what our father has always told me. Daddy has never been very forgiving; even to me.

I was told to use her for anything I needed at anytime. At the time, I needed a friend. My best friend. She was always there. When I succeeded in something she was always there to cheer me on even though she had nothing. If I was down she was the only one who was able to get me to smile even though I knew that there was so much sadness and pain in her life. She was suffering and I was selfish. I am a product of my environment.

The older I got the less I needed her. I had plenty of friends and got so much attention from people at school that I started seeing her as the rest of the family did. As a tool. She made life so easy. She cooked, cleaned, and honestly was a confidence booster. She was depraved of so much, of course I would look better than her just based on luxury alone.

When she left I was so angry at her. My life was no longer easy. I still had the friends, boys, and family but for the first time I had manual labor. I saw my parents and sibling suffer like I had never seen and that infuriated me. Actually seeing my mother attempt to do the dishes was comical but the severity of everything else took precedence.

Then she had the nerve to show up with my ex. He turned down sex with me to be forever tied to her. The moon goddess really has a sick sense of humor. He was going to be the most powerful alpha next to the royal family; therefore, I was meant to be his mate. He needed a strong and beautiful Luna by his side and Marina does not fit that profile. Or at least that is what I initially thought.

After seeing her in class, my plan was to find something of hers that had strong enough ties to her to give to a family friend. She is a witch. I was going to ask her to put a hex on Marina so I could control her into rejecting Oliver; therefore, bringing her home to be our servant for the rest of her sad life.

But then I saw it.

The necklace I gave Marina for her sixth birthday. The little silver butterfly necklace....the latch is broken now but it's still here...She actually kept it. After all this time and after everything I have done she still kept her promise. It's the last gift I had ever given her. It was like a light switch turned on and I could finally see what I had been doing for all these years. Tears were immediately brought to my eyes and I fell to the ground. I am a horrible sister and an even worse friend.

I spent the rest of the evening laying on my pillow in a pool of my tears.


"Baby, what's wrong? Why are you crying? I can hear you from my bedroom" My mother comes into the room. I intended to cry myself to sleep but slumber never befell me.

"M-M-Marina" I tried to explain clutching the necklace to my chest but she interrupted me in attempt to comfort me."Shh..Don't worry yourself about Marina. She isn't worth your tears. Mommy and daddy have a plan" she cooed. I sat up scrunching my face "what plan?" I asked. "stop scrunching your face before it gets stuck like that darling. Keep this up and you will look older than me by the age of 20." she scolds. I huff in response, "what plan, mother?" I say slowly. My patience has become thin."Let's just say, we have called in some friends that are very willing to help us with our...problem. Stories say that they always get their prey and once they do...." she wipes a tear from my eye and continues "I'll skip the gory details but she will no longer be an issue." My words caught in my throat. "Get some sleep, little wolf. We will talk more in the morning. Your brothers have already been briefed. You would have been too if you didn't hide yourself in here all night." She switches the light switch off and leaves me to my impending thoughts.

I know she thought she was comforting me; honestly, yesterday it probably would have worked. But now, it did the opposite. I need to find a way to warn Marina!

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