Chapter 24

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"Come on Marina, you only have 5 more in this set then we can finish it strong with an easy mile around the track!" encourages Sky. She has been my biggest cheerleader in the last 2 days. Not to mention she had the biggest influence in convincing Oliver to let me start training instead of staying in bed until the weekend. Somehow, Oliver has convinced his dad that homeschooling would be best for him and his inner circle, which now includes me of course. Don't get me wrong, I understand the caution and I secretly missed the satisfaction of learning something new, but I have a feeling that Oliver had ulterior motives. He just wants to keep me sheltered and in bed 90% of the time. Thankfully, I have his sister to help me fight this battle. We don't know when the rouges will attack but I won't be any help to this pack nor myself in the condition that I am in right now. I need to train, and being coddled by Oliver will not help me in the long run.  In a way this is training for him too. 

"You say that like it's so easy" I say struggling with my second to last burpee. She laughed at this and continued doing her series of exercises. She says that I am not ready for her training regiment and from the look of it she is right. It would take months for me to keep up with her and that's if I were to train hard everyday nonstop. In reality, it would take years of me being intentional. 

"Are you guys almost done" whines Alana "I am starving and need some real girl time before the guys finish work" I would laugh if I didn't feel my heartbeat in my throat. How am I gonna make it through my run. "Stop whining, you're ruining my after workout meditation" combats Blair. Those two finished their workouts at least fifteen minutes ago. They didn't have the patience to go at my pace, which is fine. I would feel like a nuisance for holding them back.

"The mile shouldn't take long" Sky says idly. I give her a look in defiance but she pulled me into a jog anyways. " Focus on your breathing, I don't think my brother will ever let me train you again if you pass out" she laughs while also jogging backwards to speak to me directly. "In through your nose...out through you mouth...... and repeat" she says with a quick demonstration. It sounds easy when she says it but when I try to mirror it doesn't go exactly as she said. Instead, I take in short pants through my mouth leaving not a lot of oxygen in my lungs. Nonetheless, I was still able to finish the mile without stopping within fifteen minutes. It's not impressive to most people but I still feel pretty accomplished; especially, since it's my first time. 

"Maybe if I sent a wild boar after you, you would have finished sooner." Blair joked and Alana nudge her with her elbow. "She's just kidding" Sky says while giving Blair a look that told me that she believed otherwise. "I would if it meant that we would be eating by now" mumbles Blair. They all laugh but I still don't have enough oxygen in my lungs so all I do is offer a small rosy cheeked smile. 

"Should we get cleaned up before we get food, get food then get cleaned up, or order food get cleaned up then come back to eat it" asks Alana in one breath. In that moment, my phone chimes into the conversation. It's a text from Oliver.

"We may need a raincheck. Oliver has asked me to meet him in my bedroom." I said not thinking about how it sounded. Instead of the common and expected groans I was displayed acts of insinuation and giggling accompanied by wiggling eyebrows. "Get your minds out of the gutter! We've only just became friendly." The giggling continued while Alana spoke "What on earth is taking so long? I have never met a mated couple that has held off on anything remotely sexual for more than two days. Bonds are too strong. " She chuckles again, "Why would they if instead they could be doing the naughty dance all day and night." she winks while biting her lip. She has obviously left the conversation. I shake my head, "We aren't ready to take that step yet...we are-" I pause seeing a glimpse of what happened in the car ages ago. I look down hoping they see my blush as a symbol of embarrassment due to the conversation and not the butterflies in my stomach. "-we-we just aren't ready" I stutter while walking away to escape the persistent giggling and gossip. 

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