Chapter 14

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Marina's POV


August 26  Marina's 6th birthday

I woke up with a big smile on my face ready for this day to begin. Today is my special day and on my special day maybe I won't have to clean, cook, and maybe everyone will talk to me. Just for one day.I know it is unlikely that a party would be thrown for me but I feel like this year would be different. Mommy and Daddy kept whispering something about me yesterday and I am NEVER a topic of discussion in this house so they must be planning something really special for me.

I threw on a my plain baby pink dress that went to about mid calf. Its not anything special but its the best thing I have. I don't get to go shopping with my mom and sister and get a say in what I can wear like most kids my age. I only get hand me downs. Its better than nothing I guess. Usually the clothes I would get would be stained, ripped, or be way too big. Sometimes, I would get lucky like I did with this dress. Kids in my pack are spoiled rotten. One mother got this dress for her daughter just because she thought it would be a cute dress just to play around in but her daughter hated it. She said it was the ugliest thing she had ever seen, and you know where ugly things go? Yup, it goes to me because something ugly belongs on an ugly person. Honestly it doesn't look bad at all. I am just happy its brand new. That means no stains, no rips, no nothing! Plus the dress is an okay fit which is a bonus. It looks nice with my pale skin and my blond hair I guess. I don't usually put on shoes because its not often that I get to leave this place but today is special  so I have to be prepared for anything. I slide my tiny feet into the only pair of shoes that I own. They used to be Lily's. They are just plain white flats with tiny little bows on the top. They are a little worn out and dirty but they do their job. Lastly I glanced at my hair. Its in its usual birds nest because I never comb it. Its just really hard for me to comb out my own hair. I wish I had the straight hair that everyone else in my family has. It seems easier to manage than my own hair plus mommy never helped me with it so I don't know how to do it. I try my best to use my fingers to work out some of the knots until it looked slightly presentable. Now I am ready for my birthday!

I skipped down the stairs excited to see if I had any surprises waiting for me. Nothing was there. I shrugged and headed to the kitchen where my parents were sitting and talking. I put a giant smile on my face and walked up to them. They have something planned for me I just knew they did. They frowned down at me with expectant gazes.

"Your late, get started on breakfast before the pack gets down here." My father says with a scowl on his face. Again I shrugged because this was like any other morning. They are just acting like they forgot.

I finish making the breakfast with little trouble and place it on the dining room table, which I had set before the food was ready. I have been doing this long enough for this to become second nature to me. I made a small plate for myself and set it on the kitchen table. I am not allowed to sit with the rest of the pack because I am an omega. I might ruin there appetites. At least they let me eat though. I'm so lucky.

Stop lying to yourself Marina, you know this is not luck says Sun.

I've had Sun for exactly a year now and she is my best friend. She hates the way my family treats me even when I assure her that they love me in there own special way. I don't get to talk to many people but I am glad that I can talk to her anytime I want.

We are Omegas Sun. We have no choice. I say hoping she understands my point and wouldn't fight with me on this.

We don't have to take this from nobody Ri. We don't have to stay here. We already take care of ourselves so it wouldn't be any different anywhere else. I sigh and shake my head.

They are my  family Sun. I love them. They are all I have. If we left we wouldn't  have anywhere to go. We'd be considered rouge and we could die.

You would have me. That should be enough. With that she cut the connection.

I was so caught up in my conversation with Sun that I hadn't even realized that Lily had snuck up behind me. She had the biggest smile on her face. Even with her missing tooth it was very contagious. Her icy blue eyes shown so much affection for me that it just made me love her more. She's the only one of my family members that actually treated me like her family not an Omega. She is the best big sister that I could ask for and I hope she knows that.

"I have something for you" she says holding out a tiny box " happy birthday"  I grabbed the box out of her hand . It was a necklace with a silver butterfly. The wings have a touch of  blue rhinestones that brought some sparkle to it. It was the best thing I have ever received . I jumped out of my seat and gave her the biggest hug screaming how much I loved it and swearing that I would never take it off. She giggled and put it on  my neck for me.  " Mom and dad wants to see you in the living room. Don't tell them that I got this for you, If anyone asks its another hand me down." I nodded in agreement and headed to the living room to meet with my parents. Maybe they have a surprise for me.

When I got to the living room I found my parents waiting for me with a smile on there face. My hopes of something big was rising.This was it.

My dad was the first to speak. " you take up too much room in this house. Every year you get bigger and your room could be used for someone important."  then my mom added in " you understand don't you?"  I didn't but I nodded my head anyways.

"follow us" dad says leading me down a long flight of stairs to the basement. " This is your new room. Get your crap out of your old room and move it down here within an hour or you can forget about eating tonight." he says shutting the door. " Oh yeah, and happy birthday" 

That night I fell asleep in my new room with tears in my eyes. The only thing making me remotely happy is the necklace dangling from my neck.

End of Flashback

I still wear that necklace to this day. My love for it has not changed but the person who gave it to me has. That sweet little girl is gone and what has replaced it is the thing in front of me . She's wearing a tan crop top cami that almost matches her skin tone giving off the allusion that she has no shirt on. Her boobs are pushed up to the gods leaving nothing a secret.  To match she's wearing tiny jean shorts that make me cringe thinking about the chances of her getting a yeast infection and some simple strap sandals. I see she dressed for comfort today. I don't see how she doesn't get in trouble for dress code. The one thing I can say that I admire her for is the fact that she doesn't cake her face with makeup. She goes pretty natural with just some mascara and lip gloss. She doesn't need anything else because she has the perfect everything. Makeup would just be pointless for her.

I miss the old caring Lily but I know that she's been manipulated enough to never treat me like she did ever again. I'm not stupid. But that little girl inside me longs to have her big sister back.

I sigh and walk over to the seat next to Lily prepared for whatever she has to throw at me today. Oliver gives me a weary look. I know he was wordlessly hinting that he doesn't think this is a good idea. I give him a reassuring smile and point at my new phone letting I'm know that I'll text him if I need his help. He nods with a huff and plops down in his normal seat in the back.

As I sat down I just kept repeating to myself that she can't hurt me anymore. I have a protective alpha mate burning holes in her head from the back of the classroom ready to pounce if I say when. I need to stand my ground. If not now, when?

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