Chapter 23

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"I think he is in shock" sun chuckles. Oliver has stood stagnantly staring at me for the past five minutes. I have gotten comfortable in the dirt laying on my belly while constantly shifting from looking at my dumbfounded mate to putting my snout between my paws. You can't beat the feeling of being in wolfs form. I feel like I am one with nature; colors are more vibrant, the air feels more pure, I can even hear the warrior ants scurry in the dirt under the grass. This is peaceful.  I envy those who can shift freely. I am not sure if every wolf experiences that same things as I do because I can only know my own experience but I hope that normal wolves an experience half. 

"Sh**t" Oliver mumbles knocking me out of my thoughts. "Sh*t sh*t sh*t" he repeats this time shaking his head while frantically and aggressively disheveling his hair. This is not the reaction I was hoping for but also it is not unwarranted. He thought  I was his weak non shifting mate that he needed to protect and in a short time I have changed everything. However, I have not began to train yet so as of right now I still need protecting. 

"That rogues timing was impeccable" says sun sarcastically.  I roll my eyes at the comment, "tell me about it" 

Shifting back to human form I calmly walk into Olivers arms which he naturally welcomed. "It's going to be all right" I assured him stroking his back. I could feel him calm down immensely. "We will figure it out." 

He sighs, " I'm sorry" he puts his head on my shoulder, "If you told me any other time I would have been overjoyed but..." he pauses trying to collect the right words but they never came. Note to self, he is not good at surprises. I look into his now watery eyes and my heart melts. His normally confident brown eyes hold only fear and worry. For me. I wipe away a stray tear bringing him closer wrapping him fully into an embrace. 

What are we going to do? 


"We will fight." Alpha Lawrence states slamming his fist onto his desk. His genes are strong, Oliver and Sky both favor him in almost everything. Looking at him is like looking at a matured Olivers face just with a different eye and hair color.  Instead of the brown eyes and blonde hair that Sky and Oliver share, he has striking hazel eyes and light brown hair that reaches his shoulders. It's a bold look for an alpha but it works in his favor. His mate, Olivers mom Liza, sits next to him with her hand resting on his thigh. Obviously keeping him calm. She is gorgeous with her blonde hair, brown eyes, and pale skin. She is petite in both size and height but I can tell that she has a big personality to make up for it. We would probably get along well. 

"Dad I believe that our pack can hold their own in a fight same as you; however, you didn't see what I did." Oliver stands, "sending them into this fight would end in pack suicide" 

"Then we train harder." Alpha Lawrence combats. He has a lot of faith in his pack which is a good and bad thing in this case. It has been said that he has only ever lead his pack to victory in wars because he is both vicious and level headed. Which is why his pack is rated second strongest in the world after the royal pack. "Have faith in your pack." he demands stubbornly. Level headedness might have been far fetched. 

"If we do this I might not have a pack to have faith in" Oliver pleads. "We need help dad."

There was a knock at the door then the door opens revealing one the alphas beta, Fred. "Excuse me Alpha, but someone is here to see you" he looks around at the rest of us, " all of you."

The Alpha nods his head telling him to send the guest in. Shortly after, a slender girl appeared in the doorway. "Lilly?" I gasp in both surprise and fear. The last time I saw her was at school when she was threatening me. She doesn't look like herself. Her normally straight and silky hair was disheveled like she hadn't put a brush through it in days. Her skin seemed unnaturally pale with the only color being a pink hue around her eyes and cheeks. She has obviously been crying. 

"What are you doing here?" Oliver demands blocking me with his body protectively. I gently push him aside. My initial fear has subsided leaving only worry for my sister. Something has had to have happened for her to lose herself like this. She looks to Oliver then back at me. There is so much sadness behind her eyes. 

"I-" She looks at me, eyes welling up with fresh tears, " you have to run" she pleads. "They are planning something. They didn't tell me everything but I know that they want you dead." Oliver growls. "Why should we believe you?" he says exposing the elephant in the room. She immediately looks down at her shoes and uncomfortably shuffles her feet." I wouldn't expect you to trust me but with my packs history with Marina-" she looks up"I would think that you would take some precaution with what I am trying to tell you" I get up out of my seat and slowly walk towards her against Olivers objections. "Why are you here?" I need to look directly into her eyes. "I told you that already" her tone in voice raising an octave higher. I shook my head, "Why the change of heart." She bites her lip fiddling with something in her pocket revealing a familiar necklace. I gasp. "I haven't acted like your big sister in a long time" she says putting the necklace in my hand. "it's time for me to start"

I believe her. Everything in me is telling me that she is telling the truth. But how long will this last? "How do I know that you won't be influenced by your pack again?" she smiles sadly. "That's easy, I'm not going back." my breath hitches, "I would rather be a rouge than sleep in that house one more day." 

I look at Oliver with pleading eyes. He knows that I would never let this happened. She lived a life a luxury for so long. She would die on her own in the wild. 

He sighs and mind links his dad. They nod at each other when they reached an agreement. 

"As of right now, we cannot fully trust you." says Alpha Lawrence standing from his seat "but you could be useful to us. We will provide you a room in a nearby house separate from the pack house. You will be given a biweekly allowance for food and other necessities but otherwise you will be responsible for yourself until loyalty is proven. You are not apart of our pack; therefore, unless invited in you are not allowed to step foot in this house again." 

Lilly smiles from ear to ear giving me a big hug. I tensed out of habit but soon relaxed in her arms. This is the Lilly that I grew up with. She is back. I just know it. 

"I will tell you anything. You have my full cooperation." she says to the alpha without ever taking her eyes off of me. After signing a contract she was lead away by Frank looking like she was finally going to get a good nights rest. 

"This proves that the rouges are working with a pack." Oliver sighs looking at his dad. "We will be out numbered if we don't ask for help." 

We all look to the Alpha with pleading eyes in hopes that he could look past his ego and see the issue at hand. He sighs and I know that we have won him over, "I will set up a meeting with his majesty. As luck would have it, there is a ball this weekend that I have to attend." He pauses then looks to me.  " Would you feel comfortable revealing yourself to the King and Queen?" 

Sun perks up at the mention of the royal family "SAY YES" she demands frantically.

Instead of questioning her eagerness I just nod my head in response to the alphas question. "Don't worry about your dress I will take care of everything dear." Luna says excitedly. I wasn't worried at all. It might sound crazy but even though I might have a target on my back, I feel like everything in my life is coming together nicely.

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