Chapter 4

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Oliver's POV

What is wrong with me?! I had Barbie begging for me and all I could do was kiss her?! I was so close to losing my virginity but all I could think about was how it would feel to be kissing Marina. How it would feel to make love for the first time with someone completely perfect for me. Even if that person is Marina. I just kept thinking about what Striker said about her having a wolf. Something is not right. 

'Any regrets about rejecting her yet?' I could practically feel Striker smirking. 

'I didn't say that. Im just saying that she is a little bit of a mystery'

'I like mysteries. It's sexy....' with that I ended our conversation. 

If she's been hiding a secret such as being able to shift, what else has she been hiding? Why would she put herself through so much torment at school and in her pack if she didn't have too. Why can't I stop thinking about her? I rejected her. It's over and done with. 

'You're still lying....' sighs Striker.

'So what if I am?'

He deviously chuckles and says the one thing that can get my adolescently stubborn self to cooperate, 'If you don't give her a chance I will make sure that you can never get it up and you die a virgin; therefore, ending your families alpha line.'


Striker was silent for a second to speak out sun  before he returned in a panic.

'Get to the cliff of Mohair now!'

'Why?!' I said, starting to run out of the school building to shift, not caring that my clothes are completely shredded now.

'She's gonna jump'

I growled at that. I. CAN'T. LOSE. HER.

'If we lose our mate, you lose me, got it?!' Before I could argue, he cut our connection.

When I got there, the sight in front of me tortured my heart. Marina is standing there nude. Her nudity isn't what scared me though it's what is on her body that makes me shed tears.

Other than the fact that she Is sickly pale and skinny, her body is covered in bruises. No wonder she's so weak all the time! I judged and rejected my mate without getting to know the real problem, her pack! They are the only explanation to why she looks like this. At school, my pack are only guilty of teasing and ignoring her but never physical violence. I don't tolerate hitting women and my pack knows that! But I have caught on numerous occasions someone from her pack tripping, kicking, and sometimes even punching Marina but I couldn't do anything about it. If I intervened, there would be a chance of war striking between our packs and that would be a nightmare. Now that I know she is my mate, I have the authority to punish at will. She is mine and she shall not be touched!

Now that I look at her properly, behind the scars, bruises, and with the wind blowing her hair in the sunlight she's actually quite beautiful. Don't get me wrong, I definitely have some work to do but when it's done I think she'll meet my standards.

"What do you want?" she asks, surprisingly calm.

"Your pack abuses you?" I asked for confirmation.

"And you're an alpha."


"Oh, I thought we were stating the obvious." Oh my mate is feisty. If it wasn't for the situation at hand, I would probably be a little turned on right now.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

She a humorless chuckle, "Oh yeah, I can see it now. The abused freak walking up to the schools most popular jerk of an Alpha, who rejected her I might add, to ask for help. The latest comedy coming to theaters near you! Ha! That's going to be a hit," I guess I see where she's coming from.What's bothering me the most is the fact that she hasn't turned around yet. I want to look her in the eyes when I talk to her.

"I agree that I was a jerk earlier but that's no reason the kill yourself! If it makes you feel better I'll unreject you. Happy?" She finally turned around with watery eyes.

"Yeah, it makes me so happy that my mate only wants me now that he knows I'm about to kill myself. You know what, don't worry about it." With that, she jumped off.

I don't know what came over me because I jumped off after her.

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