One Should Die By The Hands Of A Friend Right!?!

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Tyrion and Lysianassa wake up a few hours later they get dressed then walk out of their tent and spend the rest of the night getting to know his.... their new "recruits"/"friends" or as Tyrion's father called them "companions" and before Tyrion gets a chance to take his turn and "punish" his wife he heads to his fathers tent and joins the meeting his father was having once he returns he finds his wife ready and waiting for him laying in their bed naked with a gorgeous smile on her face and somehow tied to the bed or perhaps part of the tent he starts to strip out of his clothes as he rushes over to where she sits and starts to make love to her she has no idea how the meeting went and she made him feel better than he did before and she did it by keeping her promise and following every "command" his body gave hers for example if he kissed her she answered his kiss he untied her before he ate her out and she gently gripped his hair as her arousal grew after awhile he pushes her onto the bed so that she now lays upon it with a low growl.... a minute or so after Tyrion slid his cock into Lysianassa's bud and started rocking on top of her a dark haired woman walks into the tent and watches them with a shocked angry expression on her face for she now sees what she was paid to stop not only that but Tyrion looks up and sees her enter then smiles in a way that tells her he knows why she was there the woman he was on top of "breaks the rules" and reaches up then slides her hand along his cheek lovingly returning his attention to the woman the dark haired prostitute knew he loves with all his heart for the expression on his face told her so and he kisses the woman he is making love to in a way that proves that his expression wasn't lying what pissed her off the most was that she was ignored for the few hours she was stuck standing there watching them torturously make love to one another in a way that turned even her on though I suppose making love with someone one truly loves could do that to anyone she only stayed because she feared she would be killed if it became known that a professional such as her failed at the job she was paid to do "Bronn get rid of her if you would please I do believe she was paid so you could have her if you like"  the woman under Tyrion says her eyes never leaving the man above her the prostitute who considers herself very keen in knowing when someone enters a area she is in turns and stares at the man at the flap of the tent who she did not hear enter and the man smiles then says with a small bow "yes my lady"  he grips the dark haired prostitutes wrist gently and walks her out of one tent and into another "you are most gracious my love!"  Tyrion coos "you're right I should have let her do her job and join us!"  Lysianassa replies he growls then says with a growl in his tone "never!"  she smiles and he kisses her lips and his thrusts become harder and faster and she screams out his name with erotic extasy which he was sure everyone heard and the thought made him smile.... a few hours later Lysianassa and Tyrion walk out of their tent all suited up and ready to fight "you know I expected more from a prostitute"  Lysianassa says as they get dressed Tyrion looks at her curiously "she dressed quite plainly I figured they would be a bit more "extravagant" than that"  she tells him he chuckles as she continues "not to mention she was paid to get me out of our bed and to take my place within it so your father can prove me wrong"  he laughs he knew she was clever and so is her sister "we didn't have prostitutes in our land they weren't allowed if anyone wanted to pay for sex that had no love connected to it they had to ride a few towns down from it to do so"  she tells him he raises a eyebrow at her she shrugs then says "it's been in our laws for many years I have no idea who made it"  he nods "I'm guessing with the reputation you have you would have hated it there"  she says he chuckles then replies with a smile "au contraire I would have loved it since you were there as well"  she smiles Bronn walks over to them and smiles when he sees them fully dressed in their armor "don't worry I'll just play the part of the dutiful squire for I'm sure his father never gave him one"  Lysianassa tells the Sellsword Bronn chuckles Tyrion smiles a small half smile which becomes a full one when his wife takes his hand in hers and leads him out of their tent with Bronn not too far behind them "did you find out her name!?"  she asks "she proclaimed it to be Shae"  Bronn replies with a smile in his tone she nods "Tribesmen"  Tyrion projects "and women"  Lysianassa says with a smile Tyrion smiles as he continues "of the Vale, gather round! Stone Crows! Black Ears! Burned Men! Moon Brothers! and Painted Dogs! your dominion over the Vale begins now! onward, to claim what is yours!"  Shagga bangs his two axes together and chants "half man!"  the other Hill Tribe members join in chanting over and over again "half man!"  Tyrion tries very hard not to become offended and/or roll his eyes as he says "to battle!"  Lysianassa hugs Tyrion to her allowing her body to become his shield as the Hill Tribes rush to join the battle and Tyrion smiles at her as he grips her arms gently Tyrion did not fight nor did Lysianassa but they won the battle none the less and there were less Stark soldiers than Tywin was told which upset him to make matters worse Robb wasn't there either which really upset him....

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