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27th February, 2100.

Dear Qibriyah,

Today is my 100th birthday. I am currently writing my diary in our balcony of Mirpur DOHS. A gust of wind passed by, shifting my clothes and white hair. The gray clouds gathered in this late morning sky had darkened the surroundings slightly.

It is going to be celebrated in a restaurant by our daughters, grandchildren, great grandchildren, their spouses and even a great-great grandchild. It is a joy to live this long and having such a loving family.

Pausing her wrinkly hand, Hawwa glanced at the sky as another gust of wind passed by. She was sitting on a plastic chair.

Qibriyah had died 38 years ago at the age of 81. He died believing that the Hawwa, he had lived with till his death was not the Hawwa from that nightmare even by a drop. His belief turned out to be true.

She sighed.

With the sky resembling her heart, she resumed writing in her diary.

But this day won't be perfect without you.

The End

Thanks for reading my book. This will go through major and minor editing.


1) What did you like about the book?

2) where do you think I should improve?

3)How did you find Hawwa and Qibriyah as characters?

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