Chapter - 6 : My major comeback!

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A new day started -

I never thought living with a trust break would be this hard! I encouraged myself to be a strong and ruthless person but my heart melted whenever I went to my department and saw kitty happy with the other group. I knew I should focus on myself but somewhere in the corner of my heart - I had a feeling that my college bestie would come back to me soon. The pictures I had in my gallery , the memories we enjoyed , the videos I used to make for my bestie - I had every single thing on my phone. I had that weird thing inside my mind - What if she comes back to me after realising her mistake? Would I be able to forgive her? Would I ever act the same way I did earlier?
But the answer in my mind was a big "NO". I would never ever trust her the way I trusted her earlier. Day by day , every midnight I started having nighmares and the things Kitty said that day while showing screenshots. I started experiencing major depression including overthinking. I started being insomniac which made me hate kitty more. I blamed kitty for not being in my worst days as I was alone fighting my nightmares and fighting my insomnia alone. After an episode of insomnia, a day came when suddenly I started experiencing - trembling of my hands , severe heart palpations as if it indicated I might die the next minute, I even experienced sweating with an upset stomach too. I thought of consulting a doctor so I decided to go back to home so that I can consult. I waited for my vacations and finally I went back to home for merely a week - My parents were unaware of what I was experiencing- I immediately got back to my friend and told him my symptoms - he told it was a panic attack which you are experiencing. He gave me medicines and ways to stop panic attack. He started taking my online sessions - it took approximately 1 year to overcome my trauma.

After 1 year of therapy session and daily deep breathes, and reducing my smoking and alcohol to my level best. I started feeling good and light. And suddenly one day when I saw kitty and group I felt nothing, I started to ignore them , I felt so good about feeling nothing - no hard ships , no heartbreak nothing at all. I consulted my friend again saying with a smile on my face -" Today,I felt nothing when I saw them!"
My friend replied -" That's a positive sign bro! Now delete the memories and get stronger "
I did as he said , I deleted few videos and photos of her and I kept few in my gallery thinking if ever I again get a thought of heartbreak I would see the pictures and tell myself how much I have suffered just because of that person!.

I started to focus on myself , I started to read novels , I downloaded pubgm so that if ever I get angry I might play that so that I can be normal again. I started to focus on my practical stuff and started to connect to different people and explore new stuff. And once again I lived my life to the fullest


I again got a memory of her inside my head because it was our day when we started talking. I couldn't resist talking to her. So I decided to take a leave so that I can't see her and I won't have the memories brewing inside my mind again. I went to meet Chaiphile and she was happy to see my change. I asked her what if kitty comes back? What should I do?
Chaiphile replied with her hand on my head patting me - "Bro! Listen to your head . I know you will make a good decision and I'll always be on your side! Just remember don't forget but always forgive everyone. Every person needs a second chance!"
That day we spent a good day together. She made me tortillas and tofu curry and to be honest that was her first time to cook for me. I forgot everything about kitty and enjoyed my day in a different way. And that was the day I was confident that I will never be linent in my life again . I would never trust people without knowing him/her in the best aspect.

2years passed by

It was 21 August when she first talked to me after fucking 2 years. I had a great feeling of slapping her right back so that she can understand how much I had waited for her. But being in my self control I just talked to her formally. I just replied her but didn't eventually talked. My heart pounded at my level best , I started to feel the same but it was hard to control myself to initiate the talk with her again.
In the next chapter you will know about the new version of me and talks about kitty , our situation of talking again! So keep supporting me and give a like if you loved this chapter. Stay Tuned!
Thank you for reading

FINDING PEACE (Based on true story) PART- 1Where stories live. Discover now