Chapter - 7: The new version

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After so many struggles and discomfort , I had blocked kitty and her group mates but that one day when she came back to just casually talk to me made my inner instinct unblock her suddenly . I had a hope that she would talk to me . She will handle me carefully this time. Keeping chaiphile words inside my mind "Forgive people but don't forget things"
But something weird happened the day when kitty talked to me. I was sitting with a bunch of my friends when suddenly I got a snap of Apoorva. The first word I spilled out was "What the fuck? Are they serious? Not again god!"
My mind again started brewing thoughts , I started asking myself - " Is Kitty and apoorva on the same team now? Do they wanna throw me in the pit? Do they want revenge from me? Are they both coming back and taking a good chance to get me down again?"
I had many questions but keeping it aside and getting my mind stable again I got a second thought that now I can fight because I don't care about them anymore. So thinking about it I opened apoorva's snap and it was just a normal surrounding pic. But it got weird when after 2-3 days she continuously snapped at me and at last she snapped at me with a "hey" written on it. I again seenzoned her. And then she wrote "hey! Why are u not replying?"
Thinking of what she did I replied " because I don't want to talk to you!" She asked me the reason as if she was unaware of things . I told her the things which made me angry with her actions. Then Apoorva told me sorry and again continued with the explanation but this time I thought of taking a proper revenge from her so that she can know who TF she is! So I started talking to her . Months passed by and the day came when I thought of finally revenging her true stuff. I had screenshots which shouldn't be given to any third person but I shared it with the person who should read it . And that was the time when she knew that the value I had for her decreased to negative. Her screenshot stated many things which were not true and that changed her world. After this incident I stopped texting her. And she stopped texting me back. I realised now that's what a perfect revenge is! If you play with me I'll make you feel like you are the game I would love to play .

Simultaneously, Kitty was talking to me . I had infinite hatred for her but the thing that stopped me was just my other side where I had a good soft corner for her. I stopped praying for Karma as I didn't feel like she should get hurt because I might not feel good when she gets hurt. So I stopped praying for Karma but as everyone says "When a broken person asks for something God will always listen! So mahadev did listen to me and gave Kitty the KARMA"
I felt bad after seeing her cry every time. But that's life, how much you hurt a person it'll come back but in a stronger version.

I gave her taunts and numerous guilt but the thing I liked about her was she didn't give up on me. I will always have a fear of what if she leaves me again? What if she again breaks me?

I started seperating good people and at the end of my college I had just 4-5 good people including Kitty. I started feeling alive again. I thought of ending up my college like a good person and a strong person. But that one evening , when Kitty was beside me and played a song which I used to hear when she left me all alone - I cried my heart out! I felt so weird . I wanted to be strong enough to listen it but I couldn't control my tears my heart felt the pain I felt 2 years ago when she told me "You cry everytime , you are weak , I will get inside your room and beat you"
After few seconds I again acted normal. , I couldn't agree more to mind how much I wanted her.

But yes! Now she came to my life again , I gave her a second chance but I can't forget things. I have proper self control now, I am pretty strong and I understand things moreover now. After these things I went said "Sayonara " to my college for teaching me how to choose friends, how did friendship breaks feel like? How to give people second chance, how to let go past and live in present.
Thanks to my college and people out there!

Ps - I'm still trying to find peace I always think of getting a new life but the truth is - we just have a single life! Live it to your best.
In the next chapter you will know about how I saw kitty separating me softly and getting to new group and how I felt bad even if she detached me! So keep supporting me and give a like if you loved this chapter. Stay Tuned!
Thank you for reading
I hope you loved it.
Sayonara :)

FINDING PEACE (Based on true story) PART- 1Where stories live. Discover now