Chapter - 10 : Internship days

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It was my starting day of Internship day 1. I decided to count down the days so that I can have a proper idea how much time I am gonna stay in this shit college. As soon as we entered the hospital, it was our faculty Dr. Nandani .

Let me give you guys a short description about Dr. Nandani - She lectures very well but when it comes to possessiveness of our batch, she becomes a proper monster. She needs full attention which makes her a toxic faculty for our batch.

We tolerated her all possessiveness and blackmails till the end of our final year. But when we entered our internship - she started to behave like a boss lady and started to insult us in front of patient's which made us demotivated. She used to give us plenty of work which was not related to hospital , but was a faculty work and this pissed us many times.

One fine day-
Our hospital department had a surprise visit from higher authorities and they asked some students about the issue and one of our brave member spoke about the things we were facing. And that was a game changer for us. Suddenly our coordinator got changed and we got a good and humble coordinator. Dr. Nandani started to put up taunts and used to tell our batch that she no more cares about us. But the best part was - most of our batchmates didn't even cared about her.

With all these things going on! I got a group of 2 people in it who were my healers in my internship days. My first day in internship was hectic as I was the only person who looked up with 3 main icu. So first day I worked with care and recklessly but as days passed I started being used to it. I had 2 people more in my group who were supportive to me. We enjoyed each and every moment. To be honest they were the ones who taught me what a friendship feels like. How to enjoy with people?
How to be a brave fox and how to talk confidently.
Those 6 months was a life changing event for me as they were with me at my every step. I started detaching with my roomies as they were bonded with toxic people in my batch. They started being the worse kids .

From skipping the hospital hours and not treating patients to skipping the lunch hours and not eating with me. They did all possible ways to ignore me . It got worse when one day we brought a tiffin from our pg and we used to sit in seminar hall which was in ground floor to eat our lunch. My roomies started to form up on third floor sit with their group mates and always ask me to get the lunch bag to third floor and after finishing they used to tell me to put down back in its place. But one day I refused to go up to their ward and told them to come down to eat as I wasn't well. They started throwing tantrums but I didn't listen to them and hung up the call. I waited for them to come down but they didn't come. Then one of the roomie put a text on our group saying we are outside you eat yourself. That was the day I thought - " How stupid I was to think that they will come with me for lunch"
I started detaching myself from them and started to eat alone. I started to eat with my groupmates at morning and at lunch time I used to go outside . Simultaneously I was counting my days backwards. I just wanted to get back to my house from this toxic environment. My roomies where toxic people. But in my internship days I got my kitty back to me!

A bit rewind - It was our last day of final year - the scribble day . We were writing things on our labcoats when suddenly Nandani and Kitty appeared to write on my roomies coat. I was sure they won't write on mine so I didn't see them and I was busy scribbling on other's labcoat when Nandani came and started writing on my coat , I was astonished when kitty came and write too. I wrote them back (this was our first encounter)

So in my internship day- Kitty was beside me when I was playing pubgM. She asked me if she could play once , I listened but I just nodded and ignored her . She asked me twice or thrice . But after that I gave her to play a single match. I noticed how my roomie looked at me that day when i and Kitty started talking about pubgm game. That was the exact moment when we both started to talk again but it was just few talks. We started to play the game together and within few days we again started our bond.

I couldn't forget the things which hurted me but this is life we should move on and get a new start. So I did a new start with her! And touchwood we're still in good terms!

In the next chapter you will know about my toxic roomies. So keep supporting me and give a like if you loved this chapter. Stay Tuned!
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I hope you loved it.
Sayonara :)

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