Chapter One

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"Beeeep beeeep beeeep!"

I rolled over and grabbed my glasses and my phone on my purple nightstand. I groaned and hit the snooze button, looking at the time. It's 6:15 AM. I get out of bed and walked into my bathroom. I do my morning routine, take a shower, wash my face, etc etc. Then I went into my closet to decide what to wear. I pulled out a purple T-shirt. I took off my pjs and slipped it on, along with a pair of white skinny jeans. I put on my high top converse and then went back into the bathroom. My hair didn't want to cooperate this morning so I just decided to tie it up in a bun.

I walked downstairs and grabbed a handful of bacon while my mom stared at me. "Goodness, Ansley! Would you like a plate?" My mom laughed.

"Sorry, mom!"

"Good morning, my beautiful girls." My dad kissed my forehead and then grabbed my mom embracing her in this tight hug and kissing her. They love each other, they really do. That's the kind of love I want, endless infinite love. My dad is a lawyer and my mom is a nurse at a hospital, so they work a lot. I always enjoy it when I get to see them both in the mornings.

My parents adopted me when I was 13 years old. I'm 16 years old now and I've never met my biological parents. I've been in a lot of different foster homes since I was a baby and I'm so happy I finally have a forever family.

"So are you ready for your junior year?" My dad asked.

"Yeah. Just one more year and then I'll start college!" I smiled.

"No boys. Focus on school so you can get into a good college and become the best pediatric nurse ever." My dad said.

"Dad. I've never had a boyfriend. What makes you think this year will be any different?" I laughed.

"Well, you're becoming a woman and..." my dad started to say. My bright dark brown eyes widened, I knew where this awkward conversation was headed. Luckily though, my mom interrupted him, thank Heaven's!

"Honey! Let's uh....discuss what we're having for dinner." My mom jumped up from her chair and looked at my dad.

"Pizza!" My dad and I both said at the same time.

"Pizza it is. For the second night in a row! You guys and your junk food. I have to work the overnight shift tonight but I'm going to make a salad for you both before I leave!" My mom laughed.

"Okay well I'm going to go brush my teeth and then I'm heading out." I said.

I ran upstairs to my bathroom, brushed my teeth and put a little bit of lipgloss on. I grabbed my backpack, keys, and phone and headed back downstairs.

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