Chapter 13

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After I got off the phone with Ansley, I heard Savannah crying. I go into mom's room to see she's still sleeping. I close her door and then go into the nursery. She is standing in her crib, trying to get out.

"Alright, my little escape artist. I see you."

I pick her up and grab her blanket. Then I walked out to the game room and sat her down on the floor.

"Juice." She says.

"Oh. You want juice? Okay. Let's go get your juice!" I picked her up again and put her on my hip. As we got into the kitchen, I opened up the fridge and grabbed some juice. I noticed we're getting low on some stuff. Greg was supposed to go to the store yesterday. Or so that's what he told mom. He was probably out drinking instead. As usual.

I poured some juice into her sippy cup and sat her down in her high chair.  I got myself some blueberry pop tarts and sat next to her.

"Bite." She looks at me.

I give her a bite and she smiles. I hear a knock on the door.

"I'll be right back, Sav."

I walk to the front door and look out the peephole. It's Josh. The guy I sell pills to.  I open up the door just a little bit.

"Hey man. I told you not to come here. My mom and my baby sister live here and I don't want them getting involved in this sort of thing." I say quietly.

"I know. I know. Please help me out though. I need some more pills. I'm out."

"I just gave you a whole bag of them last week! You took  all those already?!" I say.

"Please, man. Just this once. I know I said I was going to be done with this but I'm just struggling."

I sigh. "Alright. Stay outside and I'll be right back."

I went back upstairs to my room and pulled up my mattress. I had all these different  pills labeled in different bags. Since I knew which one Josh wanted, I quickly grabbed them and headed back downstairs. I put the bag in my back pocket and checked up on Sav.

"Are you doing okay?" I ask.

She smiles. I'm guessing that's a yes.

I went outside ahd handed Josh the pills. "Here."

"Thank you so much, man. I appreciate it."

I nod. "Just be careful this time. Only take one at a time." 

"Will do."

I watch Josh walk away. Then, I head back inside. Mom was downstairs looking out the window. Oh god. I really hope she didn't see me dealing.

"Good morning, mom."

"Hi, sweetheart. Who was that at the door?" She asks.

"Oh, just a friend. He wanted me to give him something." I sit back down next to Savannah. Mom kept staring out the window.

"Is everything okay? You keep looking out the window like someone is coming." I say.

She steps away from the window and gives me that golden smile that she always puts on her face when she wants me to believe that everything is fine. Greg hasn't been here yet, so I know something bad  happened last night but she hasn't mentioned anything to me about it.

"I'm okay, sweetie. Promise. I meant to ask you last night. Did you have fun with Ansley?" 

I blushed. "Yes. She's such an angel. The one thing that's so admirable about her is She's been through so much and she still gives people so much love. No matter how much people have hurt her. She stays very sweet and caring. Most people that have been through as much trauma as she has end up becoming so angry and bitter. Not Ansley though."

"I think she's going to be a great girlfriend for you. I mean, if you do decide that you like her enough to be more than friends. I can't wait to get to know her more. I'm so glad you moved on from Avery. It would've broken my heart if you stayed with her even after you found out she cheated on you. I would've been devastated if you asked her to marry you. You deserve so much better and from what you've been telling me about Ansley, I think she's it. She's your person."

I walk over to her and give her a big hug.

"Thank you, mom. If I can move on from Avery then I think you can move on from Greg."

She nods. "I'm working on it, sweetie. You have my word. After what happened last night, I know we need to leave him. As of today, that is the plan. ASAP.  You better get ready for school. It's your senior year and I'd rather not have you be late. I'll talk to you more about this after school."


Author's Note: Ahhhhh what did y'all think about this chapter? Will AJ get caught? Will his mom actually leave Greg? Find out in the next couple chapters!! Thank you so so so much for your support! ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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