Chapter Two

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Once I got to school, I saw my best friend, Amelia's car parked in her assigned space. I drove right next to hers and parked in mine. We both have the same car. Mine is a red Mini Cooper and hers is a blue one. I got out of my car and knocked on her window and waited for her to get out of her car.

"Hey girl!" She said.

"Hey! I missed you during summer! How was your family vacation in Hawaii?"

"Oh my gosh! It was incredible! I wish you went with us!" She smiled.

I gave her a side hug and we both started walking into the school. We went to our lockers and put all of our things in there. Then we checked our schedule to see what classes we have together.

"Oh my goodness! We have every class together except for one!" Amelia said.

"Thank goodness! I hated not having any classes with you last year and freshman year." I said.

"What a miserable two years, am I right?!" Amelia jokes.

"Junior year is going to be amazing. I just know it!" I said.

Classes went great. After school, we went to our favorite bakery. We both ordered lemon loaf bread and some coffee. Our orders came and as we were walking, a guy bumped into me and I fell to the ground. My coffee spilled all over myself and the ground. I looked up at him and there was AJ. Oh great, just great. He just witnessed me fall on my butt. How embarrassing. I think he's kind of attractive though but I wouldn't ever admit that out loud. His hair was brown, all shaggy covering his forehead and ears. He had the most beautiful brown eyes ever. He had lots of tattoos on his arms. Lord Jesus, how much more attractive can this boy get?

"I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" AJ asked.

He gave me his hand and I held on to it and stood up.

"Don't worry about it. Not the first time coffee has spilled on me, probably won't be the last! Usually I'm the one spilling it on myself since I'm such a klutz." I laughed nervously.

"Ummm wait. Let me go get you some napkins." AJ eyed me up and down.

I watched him run to the counter and ask for a couple napkins. I looked at Amelia and she nodded her head and winked at me. Oh boy, I know exactly what she's thinking.

AJ comes back and hands me the napkins.

"Thank you so much." I said.

"My pleasure. You know... you look really familiar." He stares at me.

"Oh I'm Ansley. We're neighbors." I said.

"Ooooh right! Sorry, where are my manners? I'm AJ. AJ Baker. You were the girl staring at me this morning when I was outside. The quiet, nerdy girl whose nose is always stuck in a book." He smiled.

I heard Amelia laugh.

My mouth hung open. "Is that what people at school know me as?" I asked quietly.

"No. I'm just a very observant person. When you aren't talking to your friend, I see you walking in the halls with a couple of books in your hands. I've also seen you in the library a lot. I find you very beautiful and mysterious." AJ replied.

"Oh.... ummm.... thank you...I.... I.... really should go. Bye." I walked away fast before he could say anything. Trying to escape the awkwardness as fast as I could. I got to the table Amelia was sitting at. I sat down next to her and I sighed, putting my head down.

"That was literally like a scene in a Hallmark movie!" Amelia said quietly.

I nodded my head. " AJ Baker. The hottest senior guy in our school? Yes, I know exactly who he was!"

"So.... what did he say?! She asked.

"Nothing. Just that he finds me beautiful and mysterious. He probably says that to all the girls." I shrugged.

Amelia laughs and says, "You're so naive! He was obviously digging you. I could even tell the way over here."

"What is it about me that he suddenly likes? Besides, he's the bad boy. You know what I heard about him? That he sleeps with a ton of girls and breaks their hearts. I'm not going to be that girl. I deserve better. Plus, he's in a gang. My parents would legit kill me if I date a guy who's in a gang, let alone the LEAD gang member." I said.

"Oh come on! The good girl always falls for the bad boy. It's a known fact!" She said, Twirling her curly hair with her finger and then taking a sip of her coffee. I shook my head and started laughing.

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