Chapter Three

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When I came home, the house was really quiet. I walked into the kitchen and looked on the counter to find a note from mom. "I hope your first day of school was great! I'm at work. There's some salad in the fridge for you and your dad. Call me if you need anything!"

I smile and grab a glass and fill it up with some water.

I pick up my book and walk outside to the front to sit on the porch and read for a little bit. I was enjoying reading when suddenly, I heard yelling from the house next door. AJ's house. "You're a worthless piece of crap." I hear someone say. Sounds like it's his dad. Then I heard glass shattering and my heart started beating fast. The door opened and then slammed and there was AJ. He was walking towards me. I went back to reading when I heard him say "I'm guessing you heard all of that?" I looked up at him and I closed my book.

He was holding his hand and I could tell he was trying not to touch it.

"Do you need some ice?" I asked.

He shook his head. "No. It's not that bad. I'm used to getting myself in a lot of fights. I'm a gang leader, you know."

"So I've heard. I'm guessing you and your dad don't get along?" I said.

"No. He's my stepdad. My dad died when I was 10." He replied.

"Oh I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have asked." I said quietly, staring at the ground. "Are you sure you don't need any ice?" I asked again.

"Yes, I'm sure. I'll be okay." He nodded his head.

"Hmmm I don't believe you. Come into my house for a minute." I opened the front door and waited for him to come in. He walked in, I closed the door and then set the alarm. I went into the kitchen, he followed me. "Sit down." I said, pointing to the chair at the table. He takes off his jacket and sits down. I opened up a drawer and grabbed a ziplock bag, filled it up with some ice and then wrapped a towel around it. I put it on his hand and held it there for him.

"You're so motherly." He stares at me. "So how come I only see you with that one friend of yours?

"I've moved around a lot because of foster care so I don't have that many friends. Amelia was my very first friend when I moved here. We've been close ever since."

"Oh. So you only have one friend in school?"

"Mmhm. I guess I like to keep my circle small." I laugh quietly.

My phone rings and I look at it. It was my dad. "Do you mind if I answer this? It's my dad." I said. AJ smiled and said, "Go ahead. This is your house anyway."

I walked to the other room and answered my phone. "Hey dad. What's up?" I asked.

"Hey, sweetie. I'm just checking in. What are you doing?" He asked.

"Oh ummm. I'm just hanging out. The neighbor next door hurt himself so I'm nursing him back to health."

"You're alone in the house with a boy" Oh geez. Here we go. "Does your mom know about this?" He asks.

"We're not doing anything. I'm just helping him ice his hand." I replied.

"Okay well I'll be home soon. I love you."

"Then we can pig out on pizza and I'll tell you all about my first day of school! I love you too, dad. Bye!"

I hung up the phone and then walked back into the kitchen. "Sorry that took a while." I said. I looked around and AJ wasn't there. Hmmm that's weird. His jacket was still hanging on the back of the chair he was sitting on, so he couldn't have just left. I would've heard the security alarm beep too if he did.
"AJ?" I shouted out.

"In here!" I heard him say. Ah-ha! He's in the family room!

I walked over to the family room and he was looking at all of our family pictures. "You've got such a beautiful family." He said. "Thank you." I replied.

"Can I ask you something?" He looked at me.

"Sure." I said.

"Have you met your real parents?" He asked.

I felt embarrassed by his words. I didn't say anything, I just stared at him. I knew this was going to happen. I knew he was going to ask that irritating question.

"My parents that I have are my real parents." I said quietly.

"Well, no. They're not actually. They're just your adoptive parents."

"Don't you dare say that! Don't you dare say that my parents aren't my real parents. You need to leave. Now!" I said in an annoyed tone.

"I was just asking a simple question. That's all. You don't need to get all pissy at me." He said.

"Get. The. Hell. Out. Now. Don't ever talk to me again."

At this point, I was so angry with him that I had tears rolling down my face. He just didn't understand it. Nobody did.

He rolled his eyes at me and walked towards the door. I put the code in for the security alarm and then opened the door. I watched him walk out and then I slammed the door. I slid down to the floor, covered my face and sobbed.

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